

Shimotsukare(しもつかれ) is a local Japanese dish served in Northern parts of Japan particularly, Tochigi Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture and Ibaraki Prefecture. The dish is generally served on hatsu-u-no hi (初午の日, literally; first day of horse in the month of February) together with sekihan as an offering to appease the legendary deity, inari-no-shin (稲荷の神). Shimotsukare is usually made by simmering vegetables, soybeans, abura-age (あぶらあげ or deep fried tofu skins) and sake kasu (酒粕, literally rice pulp from fermented sake). Common additional ingredients include grated raw radish (oroshi daikon) and carrots. The dish is also known as shimitsukari, shimitsukare or sumitsukare in some areas.



Origin and History of Shimotsukare

The origins of shimotsukare can be traced back to Edo Period (1603-1868) and is thought to be a derivation of su-mutsukari (酢むつかり,literally roasted soy beans in vinegar), a speciality dish which was mentioned in mytological narratives of Uji-jyu-i-monogatari (宇治拾遺物語) and Ko-ji-dan(古事談). The origin of the name 'shimotsukare' remains in debate. It is also widely believed that as the dish is mainly served in Tochigi Prefecture, formerly known as Shimotsuke Province(下野国), the name of the dish is thought to be a derivation of the pharse shimotsuke-no-karei (jp: 下野の家例, literally traditional customs of the Shimotsuke clan)


Various presentations of shimotsukare exists in different areas in Japan. The dish is served either hot or cold. Shimotsukare is normally served with rice but could also be taken without it. In some areas, once the dish is simmered, it will not be re-heated again when served.

As a means of preservation, simmered shimotsukare is kept in frozen grounds during winter and served on top of warm rice to allow it to thaw naturally.

Shimotsukare, together with its distinct flavor, scent and semi-liquid appearance is well received by some locals but not all. It is even referred as neko-no-gero 猫のゲロ, literally; cat's barf to some in Japan.

Nutritional Information

Some sayings such as "shimotsukare-wo-nana-kan-tabearuku-to-byouki-ni-naranai"( しもつかれを7軒食べ歩くと病気にならない literally, eating shimotsukare prepared from seven houses will keep you from getting sick) noted that consuming shimotsukare promotes good health. The dish is also sometimes included in jyuu-bako (重箱 or Japanese tier bento bako) and shared amongst neighbours to prevent them from catching cold during winter.


Shimotsukare is a traditional home cooking and the recipe is passed down from mothers to the next generation. Though each preparation carries the same name of 'shimotsukare', ingredients and method of preparation varies from one household to another. Consequently, it is possible for people living in the same district to stumble upon shimotsukare that is totally different from their own preparation.

Present Day Shimotsukare

Shimotsukare could now be obtained conveniently in supermarkets and is sometimes served during kyu-shoku in some schools in Tochigi Prefecture.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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