Ibn Baqi

Ibn Baqi

Ibn Baqi or Abu Bakr Yahya Ibn Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Rahman Ibn Baqi (died 1145 or 1150) was a poet from Córdoba or Toledo in al-Andalus. Baqi is one of the best-known strophic poets and songwriters of the Almoravid period (1091-1145) in Al-Andalus. He moved between Morocco and Al-Andalus and wrote several poems honoring members of a North African family. He is especially famous for his "muwashshahat".In the anthology of Al-Maqqari we find a considerable number of his poems.

External links

*"The Obituaries of Eminent Men" by Ibn Khallikan (1211-1282), including an example of one of his poems (see nr. 7 Abu Bakr Ibn Baki) [http://www.humanistictexts.org/ibn_khallikan.htm] (retrieved on 17-2-2008)


*Emilio García Gómez, "Muwassaha de Ibn Baqi de Córdoba: Ma laday sbrun mu'inu, con jarya romance", in: "Al-Andalus : revista de las Escuelas de Estudios Árabes de Madrid y Granada", ISSN 0304-4335, Vol. 19, Nº 1, 1954 , pags. 43-52
*Rachid el Hour, "La indumentaria de las mujeres andalusíes a través de Zahrat al-rawd fi taljis taqdir al-fard de Ibn Baq." in: "Tejer y vestir de la Antigüedad al Islam". Ed. Manuela Marín (Estudios árabes e islámicos: Monografías, 1). Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2001. pp. 95-108.

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