- Orders and medals of Socialist Yugoslavia
Orders and medals of Socialist Yugoslavia that is
Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia were created during theSecond World War and throughout the existence of Second Yugoslavia. With the end of Yugoslavia, these decorations stopped to be awarded and are now valuable collectables and.On the 15th of March 1943 first decorations were created: Order of the National hero, Order of the National liberation, Order of the partisan star, Order of the fraternity and unity, Order for courageousness and Medal for courageousness.
By the year 1960 the number of decoration increased to the total of 42 (35 Orders, 6 medals i 1 Commemorative medal). The status of decorations continued for three old army decorations of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.
Authors of Yugoslavian orders and medals were
Antun Augustinčić iĐorđe Andrejević Kun .World Intellectual Property Organization (L’Organisation mondiale de la propriété intellectuelle) is where the orriginals are kept. At this international organization these decorations were, at the request of Yugoslavian government, given the status of official sign indicating control and warranty, which is in other countries and states reserved only for the National seal or some other kind of unicate instrument (exists only in one or two copies) which gives the bearer the official control and warranty.
Nevertheless of this country no longer exists, its decorations are protected by the Article 6ter of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (Paris Convention).
By the former legal standing Commemorative medal of the partisans of 1941 was considered to be the lowest of rank among the orders, since lost that rank to be considered outside of the before mentioned group and listed below medals.
* [http://www.wipo.int/ Web-site of WIPO]
* "Opća enciklopedija", Jugoslavenski leksikografski zavod, Zagreb, 1980.
* Boris Prister, "Odlikovanja", Povijesni muzej Hrvatske, Zagreb, 1984.
* "Vojni leksikon", Vojnoizdavački zavod, Beograd, 1981.
* Lukasz Gaszewski [http://www.medals.lava.pl/yu/yu2.htm Web-site]
* Zakon o osnovnim pravima lica odlikovanih Ordenom Karađorđeve zvezde s mačevima, Ordenom Belog orla s mačevima i Zlatnom medaljom Obilića ("Službeni list SFRJ", br. 67/72, 22/73, 33/76, 39/77 (Prečišćeni tekst), 53/82, 75/85, 87/89).
*Odluka o ocenjivanju ustavnosti Zakona o stavljanju van snage Zakona o osnovnim pravima lica odlikovanih Ordenom Karađorđeve zvezde s mačevima, Ordenom Belog orla s mačevima i Zlatnom medaljom Obilića ("Službeni list SRJ", br. 14/92).
*Naredba o utvrđivanju visine godišnjeg novčanog primanja po osnovu Ordena narodnog heroja i Ordena Karađorđeve zvezde s mačevima za 1994. godinu ("Službeni list SRJ", br. 36/94).
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