Historical structures of Governments of the Russian Federation

Historical structures of Governments of the Russian Federation

The structure of Government of the Russian Federation from the time the state formed in 1991 underwent several major changes. In the first years governing bodies, primarily different Ministries, were under massive reorganizations in order to adopt the older Soviet governing networks to the new form of state. Many reshufflings and renamings were made.

In July 2004 there was a major reform of the government when some ministries were split and some ministerial offices turned into agencies, some new services were established as government bodies. Resulting in 17 Ministries, 7 Federal Services and over 30 Federal Agencies.

E. g. the Soviet-time "Ministry of communications of the RSFSR" was through 1990s transformed to "Ministry for communications and informatization" and in 2004 it was renamed to "Ministry of information technologies and communications". The "Ministry of press and information of the RSFSR" was in 1990s renamed to "Ministry of Press, Broadcasting and Mass Communications" and in 2004 it was turned into the "Federal Agency on Press and Mass Communications" which was no longer a standalone ministry but a subdivision to the "Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications" (originally "Ministry of culture of the RSFSR").

The current government is based on the 2004 reform with later modifications. For its description, see the Government of Russia article.

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On 28 November 1991 the President of the RSFSR Boris Yeltsin signed the Presidential Decree № 242 "On reorganization of the government bodies of the RSFSR" ( _ru. "О реорганизации центральных органов государственного уравления РСФСР"). [ru icon [http://www.informika.ru/text/goscom/normdoc/r02/02030.html DOCUMENT No.02030 ] ] This ukaz established structure of the Government of the RSFSR, included following structures:
* Ministry of architecture, construction and housing and communal services of the RSFSR
* Ministry of public health of the RSFSR
* Ministry of foreign affairs of the RSFSR
* Ministry of culture of the RSFSR
* Ministry of science, high school and technical policy of the RSFSR
* Ministry of education of the RSFSR
* Ministry of press and information of the RSFSR
* Ministry of industry of the RSFSR
* Ministry of communications of the RSFSR
* Ministry of agriculture of the RSFSR
* Ministry of social protection of the RSFSR
* Ministry of fuel and energy of the RSFSR
* Ministry of trade and material resources of the RSFSR
* Ministry of transport of the RSFSR
* Ministry of labor and employment of the RSFSR
* Ministry of ecology and natural resources of the RSFSR
* Ministry of economics and finances of the RSFSR
* Ministry of justice of the RSFSR
* State committee of the RSFSR for antimonopoly policy and supporting of new structures
* State committee of the RSFSR for national policy
* State committee of the RSFSR for defense
* State committee of the RSFSR for social protection for victims of Chernobyl and other radiation disasters
* State committee of the RSFSR for social and economical development of the North
* State committee of the RSFSR for management the federal property
* State tax committee of the RSFSR
* State Customs committee of the RSFSR
* Head direction of the special construction of the RSFSR
* Committee for the archives of the Government of the RSFSR
* Committee for state reserves of the RSFSR
* Committee for assistance to the Olympic movement in the RSFSR
* Head direction for staff training for the Government of the RSFSR



The structure of the Government according to 2004 Administrative Reform was set up in President's ukaz of 28 July 2004 (with later corrections) "About structure of the federal executive bodies". [ [http://www.government.ru/archiv/data/static_text.html-he_id_783.htm Архив Сайта Правительства Российской Федерации | Структура федеральных органов исполнительной власти ] ]

I. The federal ministries, federal services and federal agencies, management of which activity is carried out by the President of the Russian Federation, federal services and federal agencies subordinated to these federal ministries

Ministry of interior of the Russian Federation - [http://arabic.mvdrf.ru Arabic] , [http://eng.mvdrf.ru English] , [http://de.mvdrf.ru German] , [http://www.mvdrf.ru Russian] :Federal migratory service

Ministry of the Russian Federation for the affairs of civil defence, extraordinary situations and disaster relief - [http://www.mchs.gov.ru/10759/ English] , [http://www.mchs.gov.ru Russian]

Ministry of foreign affairs of the Russian Federation - [http://www.mid.ru/brp_4.nsf/main_eng English] , [http://www.mid.ru Russian]

Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation - [http://www.mil.ru/eng English] , [http://www.mil.ru Russian] :Federal service of military-technical cooperation - [http://www.fsvts.gov.ru/db/kvts-portal-eng/default.html English] , [http://www.fsvts.gov.ru Russian] :Federal service of defensive procurment - [http://www.fsoz.gov.ru Russian] :Federal service of technical and export control:Federal agency of special construction - [http://www.spetsstroy.ru Russian]

Ministry of justice of the Russian Federation - [http://www.minjust.ru/eng English] , [http://www.minjust.ru Russian] :Federal service of execution of punishments:Federal registration service:Federal service of court bailiffs:Federal agency of a cadastre of the real estate - [http://www.kadastr.ru Russian]

State special cerier service of the Russian Federation

Foreign intelligence service of the Russian Federation - [http://svr.gov.ru Rusian]

Federal security service of the Russian Federation - [http://www.fsb.ru Russian]

Federal service of the Russian Federation on the control over a turnover of narcotics - [http://www.gnk.gov.ru Russian]

Federal protective service of the Russian Federation - [http://www.fso.gov.ru Russian]

Chief directorate of special programs of the President of the Russian Federation - [http://www.gusp.gov.ru Russian]

Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation - [http://www.udprf.ru Russian]

II. The Federal ministries, management with which is carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation, federal services and the federal agencies subordinated to these federal ministries

Ministry of health and social development of the Russian Federation - [http://www.mzsrrf.ru Russian] :Federal service of supervision in sphere of protection of the rights of consumers and well-being of the person - [http://www.rospotrebnadzor.ru Russian] :Federal service of supervision in sphere of public health services and social development:Federal service of work and employment:Federal agency of public health services and social development:Federal medical and biologic agency:Federal agency of hi-tech medical aid

Ministry of informational technologies and communications of the Russian Federation - [http://www.minsvyaz.ru Russian] :Federal agency on informational technologies:Federal agency of communication

Ministry of culture and mass communications of the Russian Federation - [http://www.mkmk.ru Russian] :Federal archival agency - [http://www.rusarchives.ru Russian] :Federal agency on culture and cinematographics - [http://www.rosculture.ru Russian] :Federal agency on a press and mass communications

Ministry of education and sciences of the Russian Federation - [http://eng.mon.gov.ru English] , [http://www.mon.gov.ru Russian] :Federal service of intellectual property, patents and trade marks:Federal service of supervision in sphere of education and a science:Federal agency of a science and innovations:Federal agency of education - [http://www.ed.gov.ru Russian]

Ministry of natural resources of the Russian Federation - [http://www.mnr.gov.ru Russian] :Federal service of supervision in sphere of wildlife management:Federal agency of water resources:Federal agency of forestry:Federal agency of use of mineral resourcess

Ministry of the industry and energy of the Russian Federation - [http://www.minprom.gov.ru Russian] :Federal agency of the industry - [http://www.rosprom.gov.ru Russian] :Federal agency of technical regulation and metrology:Federal agency of energy

Ministry of regional development of the Russian Federation - [http://www.minregion.ru Russian] :Federal agency of construction, housing and housing services - [http://www.gosstroy.gov.ru Russian]

Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation - [http://www.mcx.ru Russian] :Federal service of veterinary and fytosanitory supervision

Ministry of transport of the Russian Federation - [http://www.mintrans.ru Russian] :Federal service of supervision in sphere of transport:Federal agency of air transport:Federal agency of a geodesy and cartography - [http://www.roskart.gov.ru Russian] :Federal road agency:Federal agency of a railway transportation:Federal agency of sea and river transport

Ministry of finance of the Russian Federation - [http://www.minfin.ru Russian] :Federal tax service:Federal service of insurance supervision:Federal service of financial-budgetary supervision:Federal treasury - [http://www.roskazna.ru Russian]

The ministry of economic development and trade of the Russian Federation - [http://www.economy.gov.ru Russian] :Federal agency of the state reserves:Federal agency of management of federal property:Federal agency of management of special economic zones - [http://www.rosoez.ru Russian]

III. Federal services and federal agencies, a management of with which are carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation

State committee of the Russian Federation on fishery

Federal antimonopoly service - [http://www.fas.gov.ru Russian]

Federal aeronavigation service

Federal service of hydrometeorology and monitoring of an environment - [http://www.meteorf.ru Russian]

Federal service of the state statistics - [http://www.gks.ru Russian]

Federal service of supervision in sphere of mass communications, communication and protection of a cultural heritage - [http://rosohrancult.ru Russian]

Federal customs service

Federal service of tariffs - [http://www.fstrf.ru Russian]

Federal service of financial monitoring

Federal service of the financial markets - [http://www.ffms.ru Russian]

Federal service of ecological, technological and nuclear supervision - [http://www.gosnadzor.ru Russian]

Federal agency of atomic energy

Federal space agency - [http://www.federalspace.ru Russian]

Federal agency of deliveries of arms, of military and special equipment, and of material means

Federal agency of tourism

Federal agency of physical culture and sports


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