Gwilym Ellis Lane Owen

Gwilym Ellis Lane Owen

Gwilym Ellis Lane Owen (18 May 1922 - 10 July 1982) was a Welsh philosopher, concerned with the history of Ancient Greek philosophy. From 1973 until his death he was the fourth Laurence Professor of Ancient Philosophy at Cambridge University. He was elected a Fellow of the British Academy in 1969.

He is known particularly for his ideas on the development of Aristotle [Charlotte Witt, "The Evolution of Developmental Interpretations", p. 74, in William Robert Wians (editor), "Aristotle's Philosophical Development: Problems and Prospects" (1996).] . He has been classed with J. L. Ackrill and Gregory Vlastos as influential in creating interest in the field, in the Anglo-American context [ [ Bryn Mawr Classical Review 98.4.01 ] ] .


* Malcolm Schofield, Martha Craven Nussbaum (editors) (1982), "Language and Logos: Studies in Ancient Greek Philosophy Presented to G. E. L. Owen"


External links

* [ Biography]
* [ British Academy Fellowship entry]

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