Khorugh State University

Khorugh State University


image_size = 250px
name = Khorugh State University
established = 1992
type = Public
calendar = Semester
rector = Dr. Gulkhoja Jangibekov
city = Khorugh
region = GBAO
country = Tajikistan
student body = 3000
staff= 200 full-time

Khorugh State University (also known as Khorog State University), is a public university located in Khorugh, GBAO, Tajikistan. It is located in the center of Khorugh (the capital of GBAO), the only urban center in the region. The University has an enrollment of approximately 4000 students, both fulltime (daytime) and students studying by correspondence.


Khorugh State University was founded on August 5, 1992 by the decision of the Cabinet of the Ministers of the Rupublic of Tajikistan, and the same year in September started its first academic year. The university based itself in the most suitable and largest building in the city, a soviet-built former House of Political Education (Russian:Дом Политического Просвещения, also known as "Dompolit" as depicted in the photo) in the center of the city on Lenin Street, across from the central square and building of the local government.

The university was named after historian, phylosopher Academician Moyonsho Nazarshoev (19291994), (Russian:Моёншо Назаршоевич Назаршоев), PhD in Philosophy, who was a native of the region and whose contribution to foundation of the university was most significant. Nazarshoev was a Vice-Premier of Tajikistan, before being assassinated on February 18, 1994 in Dushanbe.

For the first time, the population of GBAO had access and the opportunity to enter a higher education institution, without leaving their own region, especially in the early 1990s, when the university was just established. In the early 1990s during the Tajik Civil War, it was very dangerous, if not fatal threat for the Pamiri people to go to universities and other educational institutions in Dushanbe or other southern cities of Tajikistan. During the first two years of the Civil War the population of Khorugh almost doubled, receiving Pamiri refugees from other parts of Tajikistan. Among the refugees, there were people of different professions, but mostly those from the intelegencia: professors, teachers who were scholars and educators in other universities and institutions in Tajikistan. Although unfortunate, the event benefited the young and new University of Khorugh to bridge the faculty gap.

The first Rector of the university was Academician Mamadsho Ilolov, Grand PhD in Mathematics, serving from 1992 to 1995, who is currently the President of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan. The present, forth Rector Dr. Gulkhoja Jangibekov assumed office in March 2005.


The university started with two Faculties: Humanities and Natural Sciences. After a several years the Humanities Faculty divided into History-Philologic Faculty and Economic Faculty, each consisting of several departments:
* Humanities: - History - Tajik Philology - Oriental Studies - Foreign Languages - Economics

* Natural Sciences: - Physics and Mathematics - Biology - Geology - Hydromillioration

Today, this list is much longer and more diverse. Approximately 4000 students are studying in 24 specializations in 8 "Faculties" and 19 "Departments", with access to 5 "science labaratories", 4 "computer labs", a "library" and a the university's scientific jouranl and a "newspaper". In addition, construction of a dormitory with the capacity of 1000 places is underway.

Academic Progress and Achievements

Since its establishment in 1992, the university has made considerable progress towards filling its faculty members and diversifying. It is notable, that if initially, the faculty consisted of one staff member holding a PhD (Russian: Доктор Наук) and 6 Master's Degree (Russian: Кандидат Наук), by its 15th anniversary in 2007, it had staff of 10 PhD holders and 46 holders of Master's degree, of which 24 were the graduates of this university [ [ Таджикистан: Электронная газета TRIBUN.TJ ] ] .

Being the only higher education institution and a place for academic work and research, KhSU attracted a lot of attention both by state and not state actors. Aga Khan Foundation played a key role in assisting the university in its early years with faculty, educational resources (financial and material), equipment, scholarship programs and linkages with other universities in the region and the world. Among such aids were the creation of the English Language Department under the direction of a faculty from Toronto University, Canada- Professor Chuck Elsey who served as a Head of the Department for three years (1995-1998). It was the contribution of AKF and dedication of Chuck Elsey, who managed to create a fully functioning Department of Foreign Languages and turn it into a success of a national level. Graduates of this department, enjoyed a high demand for their language skills in the local and national job markets, especially with the international organizations, (winning posts often without having experience) for their complete fluency in foreign languages.
*"Continuing Education Program"Continuing Education Program (CEP) [ [ Golden Melodies: A Musical Journey From Central Asia ] ] , was a joint faculty and students initiative to offer non credit language and computer literacy courses for university students and general public in Khorugh. Two Canadians, Chuck Elsey and Karima Kara were the founders of the Program with local staff being the students of departments of languages and economics. Created in 1996 it was one of the success stories of university and the Department of Foreign Languages. After a year of its operation CEP managed not only to become financially sustainable, but also generate enough income to expend its operations, by hiring more staff, building new classrooms and purchasing new equipment. By the end of its second year of operation it was fully staffed and managed by students.


1. (1992-1995) Dr. Ilolov Mamadsho (PhD) - Mathematician
2. (1995-1998) Dr. Khayolbek Dodikhudoev (PhD) Phylosophist
3. (1998-2005) Dr. Mirgand Shabozov (PhD) Mathematician
4. (2005-Pres) Dr. Gulkhoja Jangibekov (PhD) Mathematician

External links

* [ University's Website]
*List of Universities in Tajikistan


1. [ My journey in Central Asia]
2. [ - the electronic newsletter of the National Democratic Party]

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