Ricardo Rozzi

Ricardo Rozzi

Ricardo Rozzi (born October 6, 1960 in Santiago) is a Chilean ecologist and philosopher. His research combines both disciplines through the study of the interrelations between the ways of knowing and inhabiting the natural world, proposing a dynamic continuous reciprocal feedback between both domains. [Rozzi, R. 1999. The reciprocal links between evolutionary-ecological sciences and environmental ethics. BioScience 49 (11): 911-921.]

In addition to his theoretical work, Rozzi has collaborated with the Chilean Ministry of Education, the Latin American Ecology Schoolyard Program, and has participated in the creation of the Biological Station [http://www.sendadarwin.cl "Senda Darwin"] (Chiloé Island, Chile), the Latin American Network of Ethnobotanical Parks, the Omora Ethnobotanical Park (Puerto Williams, Chile), and the UNESCO Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve at the southern end of the Americas, with the aim of incorporating environmental ethics in the practices of conservation and education in Latin America. Currently, he teaches at the Department of Philosophy, University of North Texas, and is an associate researcher of the [http://www.ieb-chile.cl Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity] and the University of Magallanes, Chile. With these institutions he is working in the consolidation of a biocultural conservation and "field environmental philosophy" program in the austral region, and the Americas.

As the co-founder of the Omora Ethnobotanical Park and the leader in the creation of the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, his academic work has been strongly associated with application and includes a novel focus on biocultural conservation and the linking of human wellbeing with the environment. Within this same line of inquiry, Rozzi coined the term "field environmental ethics" to denote his emphasis on applying philosophy to real life situations using direct encounter experiences in real life situations to enrich both academic formation as well as inform social processes, such as decision-making.

In a recent review of the legacy of Aldo Leopold's "The Land Ethic", Carl Leopold termed Rozzi's work "ecological ethics", [Leopold, AC. 2004. Living with the Land Ethic. "BioScience" 54: 149-154.] placing it on its own branch in the "tree-like" genealogy he conceived as the legacy of his father's work.

As a prolific writer, Rozzi's work includes dozens of articles, translations, chapters, and books on multiple topics that range from ornithology to environmental education and philosophy to conservation. Perhaps his most important influential work is the only Latin American textbook on conservation biology called "Fundamentos de Conservación Biológica: Perspectivas Latinoamericanas". [Primack, R., R. Rozzi, P. Feinsinger, R. Dirzo, F. Massardo. 2001. "Fundamentos de Conservación Biológica: Perspectivas Latinoamericanas". Fondo de Cultura Económica, México. ISBN 968-1664-280.]

For his achievements in academia and his broader impact in society, Ricardo Rozzi has received numerous regional, national and international honors, including:

*2006 "Gold Medal" and Illustrious Citizen of the City of Padua, Italy
*2004 BBVA Foundation Prize for Research in Conservation (in association with other scientists at the Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity)
*2004 Chilean National Award for Scientific Communication ( [http://www.explora.cl/otros/reconocimiento/2004.html CONICYT-Explor] )
*1996–1998 U.S. Fulbright Scholar


External links

* [http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol11/iss1/art43/ Omora Biocultural Conservation Approach: Ecology & Society 2006]

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