

infobox koryu
nationality = Traditional Japanese martial art
school = Suiō-ryū Iai Kenpō
(水鷗流 居合 剣法)
founder = Mima Yoichizaemon Kagenobu
founder dates = c. 1577–c. 1665
period founded = Early Edo period (1603–1868)
date founded = c. 1615
headmaster = Katsuse Yoshimitsu Kagehiro (15th generation headmaster)
art1 = "Iaijutsu"
description1 = Art of drawing the sword
art2 = "Kenpō"
description2 = Sword art
art3 = "Jōjutsu"
description3 = Staff art
art4 = "Naginatajutsu"
description4 = Glaive art
art5 = "Kusarigamajutsu"
description5 = Chain and scythe art
art6 = "Kogusoku"
description6 = Semi-armoured grappling
ancestors = "Hayashizaki-ryū", "Kongo Jo joho"
nihongo|Suiō-ryū Iai Kenpō|水鷗流 居合 剣法 is a style of classical Japanese swordsmanship. It was founded by Mima Yoichizaemon Kagenobu (1577-1665). The style specialises in drawing of the sword, but other arts, like jojutsu, naginatajutsu and kusarigamajutsu are practised as well.


Mima Yoichizaemon Kagenobu was born in the Dewa Province to Mima Saigū, a priest at the Jūnisha Gongen Shrine. He studied Bokuden-ryū, as well as some style of practiced by Shinto priests.

When he was 18, he began to study the iai techniques of the Hayashizaki school under Sakurai Gorōzaemon. After being given an overview of those techniques, he travelled throughout Japan, to study under different masters and perfect his skills. For some time, he trained in the naginatajutsu of the Buddhist monks from Mount Hiei, techniques that were applied often by the priests during the Warring States period.

He was not content to develop only the physical side of his martial arts during this time. Instead, he continued training as a Shinto priest, and meditated nightly, even going so far as to go on long retreats to secluded holy sites deep in the mountains. It was because of this spiritual side of his training that he eventually attained enlightenment. In the twentieth year of his training, he was struck with a vision of white gulls floating effortlessly and without conscious thought on the water, and named the style that arose from his revelation the "Suiō-ryū", or Water-Gull style of swordsmanship.

The spiritual, philosophical aspects of his training are everywhere in the Suiō Ryū techniques, and the core "waza", or techniques, are tied to the Shinto cosmology that defines the heavens and earth.

Yoichizaemon continued training and touring throughout his life, and at age 67 retired to pass the Suiō-ryū to his son, Mima Yohachirō Kagenaga. To the core techniques established by the founder, Yohachirō added the 10 basic "Goin" and "Goyō" forms, which serve to establish strong basic technique. The 9th sōke, Fukuhara Shinzaemon Kagenori, created Masaki Ryū Fukuhara-Ha Kusarigamajutsu which has been handled down as a separate Ryū to each Headmaster of the Suiō-ryū Iai Kenpō. The tradition of oral transmission of techniques continues to the present day, with the 15th "sōke" of the Suiō-ryū Iai Kenpō, Katsuse Yoshimitsu Kagehiro.Fact|date=May 2008


Suiō-ryū's main focus is in iai-techniques. Among the forms practiced are the following sets:
*Goyō - Basic offensive kata from seiza (5 kata)
*Goin - Basic defensive kata from seiza (5 kata)
*Tachi-iai - Standing techniques (9 kata)
*Kuyo - Advanced seiza-kata (9 kata)
*Kumi-iai - Paired standing techniques (9 kata)
*Several sets of kage-waza, "shadow techniques", that offer counters and answers to the variables in the Kuyo, Tachi-iai and Kumi iai kata-sets (27 kata total)
*Yami - a set of both offensive and defensive techniques intended to be performed in complete darkness

In addition, there are also kenpo-techniques and several sets of waza for other weapons, like the wakizashi, naginata, , and other techniques like kogusoku, a form of semi-armored grappling.


Instead of the modern kyū- and dan-grades, Suiō-ryū, like most other koryū, uses a more traditional grading system. These grades are, from lowest to highest, shoden, chuden, okuden, shomokuroku, chumokuroku, daimokuroku and menkyo kaiden.

In Popular Culture

*Ogami Ittō ( 一刀), the Protagonist of Lone Wolf and Cub is said to use Suiō-ryū.Fact|date=May 2008 However, in the six-part film series, Wakayama Tomisaburo uses a Kabuki-based style of swordsmanship, with elements from many styles of iaijutsu included to add variety to the techniques performed.Fact|date=May 2008

External links

* [ Official site (in Japanese) of 15th headmaster, Katsuse Yoshimitsu]
* [ Suiō-ryū® in the United States]
* [ Suio Ryu® of San Diego]

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