- List of papal tiaras in existence
Papal Tiara is the crown of thepapacy . For over onemillennium all popes were crowned with a tiara in aPapal Coronation . Though the last pope to be crowned wasPope Paul VI in 1963 it remains one of the key symbols of the papacy, and features on the Vaticancoat of arms . Pope Benedict XVI has replaced the tiara on his official coat of arms with a traditional bishop's mitre and the pallium, symbols of the Pontiff's authority as Bishop of Rome.Though people talk of "the" tiara, there are in fact over twenty surviving tiaras in existence. The earliest dates from the sixteenth century, the latest from 1981. Eleven of them are held in the Vatican and two are permanently on display in the
United States at theNational Shrine of the Immaculate Conception inWashington, D.C. and at theBasilica of the Sacred Heart, Indiana at theUniversity of Notre Dame .The most recent papal tiara was donated to
Pope John Paul II by Hungary in 1981.List of some of the papal tiaras still in existence
Tiara of Pope Gregory XIII (1572-1585)—The oldest surviving papal tiara in existence.
#Papier-mâché Tiara ofPope Pius VII (Made for his exiled coronation inVenice in 1800.)
# Tiara of Pope Pius VII (1804) "Napoleon Tiara" fromNapoleon , marking his wedding toJosephine ; by Henry August andMarie-Etienne Nitot , House ofChaumet , Paris. Some of the jewels and decoration for this tiara came from earlier tiaras smashed and stolen by the troops of theFrench Directory in 1798. The tiara was made deliberately too small, and at 18 pounds (8 kg) too heavy, for the pope to wear.)
#Tiara of Pope Pius VII (1820) [http://images.google.ie/imgres?imgurl=http://www.udayton.edu/mary/gallery/CincyExhibit_files/v3_slide0051_image044.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.udayton.edu/mary/gallery/CincyExhibit_files/v3_slide0051.htm&h=471&w=367&sz=35&tbnid=UWUZYt0tvrUJ:&tbnh=125&tbnw=97&hl=en&start=67&prev=/images%3Fq%3DPapal%2BTiara%26start%3D60%26svnum%3D30%26hl%3Den%26lr%3Dlang_en%26safe%3Doff%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DN (image)]
#Tiara of Pope Gregory XVI (1834) one of the most worn in the papal collection
# Tiara of Pope Gregory XVI (1845).
# Tiara of Pope Gregory XVI (date unknown). Lightweight version of a tiara.
# Tiara ofPope Pius IX (1846) coronation tiara.
# Tiara of Pope Pius IX (1855) "Spanish Tiara" from QueenIsabella II ofSpain
# Tiara of Pope Pius IX (late 1850s) from theCongregation of Holy Cross on permanent display in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart at theUniversity of Notre Dame .
# Tiara of Pope Pius IX (1871) "Belgian Tiara" from the women of the Royal Court of theKing of the Belgians by Jean Baptiste Bethume of Ghent. (image opposite.)
# Tiara of Pope Pius IX (1870s) lightweight tiara.
# Tiara of Pope Pius IX (1877) "Palatine Tiara" from the Holy See'sPalatine Guard in honour of Pope Pius's jubilee.
# Tiara of Pope Leo XIII (1887) "German Tiara" from KaiserWilhelm I of Germany in commemoration of the Pope'sGolden Jubilee as a priest.
# Tiara of Pope Leo XIII (1888) "Paris Tiara" from the Catholics of Paris to celebrate the Pope's Golden Jubilee. By François Désiré Froment-Meurice.
# Tiara of Pope Leo XIII (1894) "Austrian Tiara" from KaiserFranz Joseph of Austria .
# Tiara of Pope Leo XIII (1903) "Golden tiara" given by theVicar-General of Rome on behalf of the world's Catholics to commemorate the Pope'sSilver Jubilee as pope. [http://www.udayton.edu/mary/gallery/CincyExhibit_files/v3_slide0042_image036.jpg(image)]
#Tiara of Pope Pius X (1908) by papal jewellers Tatani to commemorate the Pope's golden jubilee of his ordination as a priest. Made because the pope found other tiaras too heavy.
# Tiara ofPope Pius XI (1922)
# Tiara of Pope Pius XI (1922) from the Archdiocese of Milan.
# Tiara ofPope John XXIII (1959) , his home region in honour of his election as pope.
#Tiara of Pope Paul VI (1963) .
#Tiara of Pope John Paul II (Hungarian Tiara) (1981) ( [http://images.google.ie/imgres?imgurl=http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff319/kjk76_95/tiaragp2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://wdtprs.com/blog/2007/11/18/&h=747&w=497&sz=95&hl=en&start=18&tbnid=m6BWybyt0qKiZM:&tbnh=141&tbnw=94&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpapal%2Btiara%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DG image] ) presented to Pope John Paul II by Catholics in the thenCommunist state ofHungary . As neither John Paul II nor his successor,Pope Benedict XVI have worn any papal tiara, this tiara remains unworn."Note: Because the donation of tiaras was often a private matter not announced by the person making the donation, is is unknown whether any subsequent papal tiaras have been donated. The existence of the Hungarian Tiara, though long rumoured, was only confirmed when images of it featured in the media."
Though Pope Paul VI decided not to wear his tiara again in a gesture of humility and gave it to the Church in the United States, his 1975
Apostolic Constitution , "Romano Pontifici Eligendo " required that his successor be crowned. HoweverPope John Paul I decided not to follow the requirement and instead underwent aPapal Inauguration .Pope John Paul II 's 1996 Apostolic Constitution "Universi Dominici Gregis " left it up to each future pope to decide whether to be crowned or inaugurated.
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