Janeway — ist der Name von Charles Janeway (1943−2003), US amerikanischer Immunologe David Janeway (* 1955), US amerikanischer Jazzpianist Elizabeth Janeway (1913 2005), US amerikanische Schriftstellerin Theodore Caldwell Janeway (1872 1917), US… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Janeway-Läsion — Janeway Läsionen sind kleine erythematöse oder hämorrhagische Flecken oder Knoten der Handinnenflächen oder Fußsohlen. Sie sind pathognomonisch für infektiöse (bakterielle) Endokarditis. Meist ist der zugrunde liegende Keim ein Staphylokokkus.[1] … Deutsch Wikipedia
Janeway lesion — Janeway lesions are non tender, small erythematous or haemorrhagic macular or nodular lesions on the palms or soles only a few millimeters in diameter that are pathognomonic of infective endocarditis.cite journal | last = Farrior | first = J.B. | … Wikipedia
Janeway, signo de — sintomat. Conjunto de lesiones en la piel rojizas que se forman en las palmas de las manos o de los pies en pacientes afectados de una endocarditis bacteriana lenta, como la enfermedad de Jaccoud Osler. Medical Dictionary. 2011 … Diccionario médico
Janeway Children's Health and Rehabilitation Centre — The Janeway Children s Health and Rehabilitation Centre is a children s hospital located in St. John s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.It was founded as the Dr. Charles Alderson Janeway Child Health Centre in 1966 and used the former base… … Wikipedia
Janeway, Eliot — ▪ 1994 U.S. economist and writer (b. Jan. 1, 1913, New York, N.Y. d. Feb. 8, 1993, New York), proposed the controversial and thought provoking theory that political pressures shape economic and market trends and was dubbed Calamity Janeway… … Universalium
Janeway, Elizabeth — ▪ 2006 Elizabeth Ames Hall American writer (b. Oct. 7, 1913, New York, N.Y. d. Jan. 15, 2005, Rye, N.Y.), was a best selling novelist in the 1940s who transformed herself into a critic, social historian, and feminist. Her popular novels… … Universalium
Janeway lesions — red spots on the palm of the hands caused by a bacterial infection of the heart (see endocarditis). E. G. Janeway (1841 1911), US physician … Medical dictionary
Janeway lesion — Jane·way lesion (jānґwa) [Edward Gamaliel Janeway, American physician, 1841–1911] see under lesion … Medical dictionary
Janeway lesions — red spots on the palm of the hands caused by a bacterial infection of the heart (see endocarditis) [G. Janeway (1841–1911), US physician] … The new mediacal dictionary