Al-Fath ibn Khaqan

Al-Fath ibn Khaqan

Al-Fath Ibn Khaqan or Abu Nasr al-Fath ibn Mohammed Ibn Obeid Allah Ibn Khaqan Ibn Abdallah Al-kaysi al-Ishbili also spelled "Ibn Khakan" (died 1134) is a well known writer from al-Andalus. Al-Kaysi means: member of the tribe of Kais, al-Isbili: native of Sevilla. He is the author of "Qalaid Al-iqyan" [edited by Muhammad al-Tahir Ibn Ashur, 1990, ISBN 9789973121455] (transl. Necklace of Rubies) a biography of Andalusian poets who were his contemporaries with examples of their poems. His other best known work is "mathmah al anfus wa masrah at ta'annus fi mulah ahl al-Andalus" (The Aspiration of the Souls and the Theater of Congeniality in the Anecdotes of the People of al-Andalus). The works are written in rhymed prose full of metaphorical expressions and are an excellent source of information about the apogee of Andalusian letters.

The life of Ibn Khaqan is described in As-sadfi's 'Al-wafi fi-l-wafiyat'



*Ibn Khallikan's Biographical dictionary, 1843, p. 456

External links

*Literary Excerpts on Art and Architecture in Andalusia, compiled and translated by Cynthia Robinson, Institute of Advanced Studies, Princeton []

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