Donn Cothaid mac Cathail

Donn Cothaid mac Cathail

Donn Cothaid mac Cathail, King of Connacht, died 773[1].

Donn Cothaid was a King of Connacht from the Ui Fiachrach Muaidhe branch of the Connachta. He was the great-grandson of Dúnchad Muirisci mac Tipraite (died 683).[2] He was the last member of this branch to hold the throne of Connacht and ruled from 768 to 773.



Donn Cothaid's son, Connmhach mac Duinn Cothaid (died 787), was a later king of the Ui Fiachrach. A grandson, Dubda mac Conmac, was grandfather of Aed Ua Dubhda, eponym and ancestor of the O'Dowd Chiefs of the Name.

Family tree

    Mongfind = Eochaid Mugmedon + Cairenn
             |                      |
    _________|_________             |
    |        |        |             |
    |        |        |             |
    Brion  Fiachrae  Ailill     Niall Noígíallach, died c.450. 
    |                 |           | 
    |                 |           |
    Amalgaid      Nath Í      Macc Ercae
   |           |                           |
   |           |                           | 
   Fiachnae    Ailill Molt, d.482.     Echu
   |                                       |
   |                                       |
   Elgach                                  Ui Fiachrach Aidhne
   Dúnchad Muirisci
   |                              |                |  
   |                              |                |
   Indrechtach, d.707.            mac Dunchad      Ailill
   |                              |                | 
   |                              |                |
   Ailill Medraige, d.764.        Tipraite, d.719  Cathal
   |                                               |
   |                                               |
   Cathal, d.816.                                  Donn Cothaid mac Cathail, d.787.
                                                   |                  |
                                                   |                  |
                                                   Caomhán            Dubda


  1. ^ all dates per The Chronology of the Irish Annals, Daniel P. McCarthy
  2. ^ Francis J.Byrne, Irish Kings and High-Kings, Table 18

See also


  • Annals of Ulster
  • Francis J.Byrne, Irish Kings and High-Kings
  • The Chronology of the Irish Annals, Daniel P. McCarthy

External links

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