- Lelex
Greek mythology , Lelex was a King ofLaconia (then named Lelegia). He was married to the Naiadnymph ,Cleochareia . He had several sons, includingMyles ,Polycaon ,Pterelaus , and Cteson. The parentage of Lelex is variously stated. It is given asPoseidon by Libya (daughter ofEpaphus ), thus making Lelex of Egyptian origin; or his father is said to be the sun-godHelius ; or he was said to be autochthonous.Lelex is the ancestor of the Spartans. His grandson (fathered by Myles) was Eurotas. Eurotas had a daughter named Sparta, who would later marry
Lacedaemon . Lacedaemon named the city of Sparta after his wife; however, the city's name would also be his own, as it was called either Lacedaemon or Sparta interchangeably. Sources indicate thatPerseus is a descendant of Lelex. Lelex's great granddaughter Sparta, gave birth to a daughter named Eurydice (no relation toOrpheus ' Eurydice), who had marriedAcrisius , the king ofArgos . Eurydice became the mother ofDanaë , thus making her Perseus' grandmother.Lelex appears to have been conceived by ancient mythographers as the eponymous founder of the Lelegians, a semi-mythical people that lived on both sides of the Aegean Sea.
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