Minor characters in M.I.High

Minor characters in M.I.High

Saint Hopes

Stewart Critchley is Blane's best friend and side-kick, he believes in UFOs and the supernatural. His favourite TV programme is "Star Trek" and he also runs the school radio club. Stewart knows nothing about Blane being a spy but Blane has been close to telling him a few times. However Stewart gets suspicious how Blane keeps disappearing all the time. Stewart has feelings for Daisy, but indicates he likes Rose more. Stewart has earned his Green "Blue Peter" Badge and can be seen wearing it on his coat and school uniform.
* Played by: Scott Gibbins.

Miss Helen Templeman is a teacher at M.I. High and Blane, Rose and Daisy's form teacher. Luckily for the school, but unluckily for the spy team, their form teacher is a young, sensitive, ambitious teacher. She secretly fancies Lenny but is too shy to tell him. However in "Spy Animals", she nearly reveales her secret while given a truth serum. Mechanics is one of her hobbies.
* Played by: Jane Cameron.

Fifty Pence, real name Julian Hamley, is the school bully at M.I. High. He always gets bad grades at school and thinks he is a great rapper. He has won a brave kid award. In "Spy Animals" we learn that his bullying is the result of him over compensating for his feminine side. The name "Fifty Pence" is believed to be a parody of the American rap musician Curtis James Jackson III who uses the stage name Fifty Cent.
* Played by: Sam Ardley.

Kaleigh is the tough ring-leader of the class gang, and has a 'couldn't care less' attitude. She is friends with Daisy and Zara, and only cares about her hair and her nails.
* Played by: Leonie Boyd. She is replaced by the character of Letitia in series two.
* Played by: Princess Webb.

Zara is friends with Daisy and Kaleigh, the popular girls in School. She is constantly confused but she doesn't mind, as long as her clothes are in season and she is looking fashionable.
* Played by: Bethany Denville.


The Guinea Pig (S.K.U.L. Evil Scientist), Real Name: Professor Sally Moreau , is renowned for her discredited experiments. Self-experimentation has caused her to mutate into a half-human, half-guinea pig hybrid. She works for the Grand Master and is sponsored by S.K.U.L. She tried to take over the world using a cyber clone of the Prime Minister until the M.I. High spies discovered her plans.
* Played by: Moya Brady. Current Status: INCARCERATED

Tony Frisco (S.K.U.L. - Crush's Manager) is a has-been, a one-hit wonder. He is a bossy Manager and doesn't really care about Crush. He works for the Grand Master.
* Played by: Steve Furst Current Status: INCARCERATED

Crush (Pop Stars) were managed by S.K.U.L. associate Tony Frisco. They wanted to sing their own lyrics but weren't allowed; Frisco made them sing a song which hypnotised the crowds to buy their single. Blane and Rose helped set them free from Frisco's clutches in "Eyes on Their Stars" with an 'antidote' song to reverse the hypnosis. Daisy is their 'biggest fan' and thinks they are gorgeous, but Blane disagrees and says that they are talentless. Their single has been downloaded over 40 million times. Crush member Arran hasn't spoken in public since May 12th 2001.
* Played by: Julian Gregory, Ryan Gregory, Eliot Gregory.

Sonya Frost (S.K.U.L. Secretary and ex-TV Weather Girl) is a secretary for the Weather Bureau. She is also a former weather girl, she was sacked from this job after one of her predictions was dramatically out of proportion. Her 'secretary' post was actually a cover; she had invented a weather machine that Roger Powel was going to present as his own. Little knowing, Sonya had sold her idea to the Grand Master and S.K.U.L. She studied physics at Oxford University.
* Played by: Siobhan Hewlett. Current Status: INCARCERATED Brent Gilbert (S.K.U.L. Retired Tour Guide) is a criminal with no experience, but is an expert on the Dark Stones. He attempted to send the world back into the Dark Ages. He was funded by S.K.U.L. and he was a tour guide at Serinturk.
* Played by: Angus Barnett. Current Status: INCARCERATED

The Worm (S.K.U.L. Hacker) is an unnamed immature child who likes to get free access into top secret sites. He has a big ego and is a mummy's boy. He was funded by S.K.U.L. and attempted to crash SPARTA, the UK Defence Satellite. In the second series he has been re-educated by M.I.9 and returns as a spy for M.I.9's second child team. It is also shown that he has a poorly disguised crush on Rose in saying that 'Rose will think of something. She's brilliant'
* Played by: Steven Meiklejohn. Current Status: RE-EDUCATED

Chad Turner (S.K.U.L. and CIA Double Agent) is an arrogant CIA agent. He was a popular kid at Saint Hope's. He was working for the Grand Master in an attempt to sell the MT3000 for a lot of money. He made Blane jealous because he was a better football player and Daisy liked Chad, yet Blane has a crush on Daisy. Fortunately he was later arrested by M.I.9.
* Played by: Toby Regbo. Current Status: INCARCERATED

Silas Fenton (Aspiring S.K.U.L. Agent and Inventor) is an inventor who seriously wants to be in S.K.U.L., even though the Grand Master has serious doubts about this! He used several animals, including the Grand Master's own General Flopsy, to spy on the Saint Hope's staff. He used truth darts and spy cams. He attempted to suck out Daisy's brain using flies. His brain was sucked out, leaving him a completely mindless fool.
* Played by: Jeremy Swift. Current Status: RE-EDUCATION

Vanessa Zietgeist (S.K.U.L. Beautician) is a beautician working for the Grand Master (or as she calls him, "G.M."). She is around 60. She was on a quest to stay young, having won a beauty pageant at six years old but ended up on the beauty scrapheap at twenty-one. She contaminated the drinking water at N.O.S.E. with a regression formula which made top scientists the mental age of three; the whole of Saint Hope's – both teachers and children – were also regressed when a sample of the formula was poured into the custard being prepared for school lunch by the affected Dr. Grabworst. At the end of the episode, she accepted her true age and betrayed the Grand Master.
* Played by: Rula Lenska. Current Status: ABANDONED S.K.U.L.

General Ryan Scarp (S.K.U.L. and British Army General) is the British Army officer responsible for the security of Dylan Towser. Believing that there would be no place for the Army once world peace was achieved, he went insane and attempted to start a Third World War using real missiles substituted for the dummy weapons provided for the launch to demonstrate the neutralising power of the Missile Disarmer. He destroyed the first Missile Disarmer, but was later overcome and arrested.
* Played by: Alex Ferns. Current Status: INCARCERATED

Carla Terrini (M.I.9, S.K.U.L. - Air One Agent) has won five Young Agent of the Year awards. She was trained by Lenny and owes everything she knows to him, but now works for a special M.I.9 force called Air One. But although she is a dedicated agent, she seems to have forgotten her right from wrong. She stormed off in a huff when Air One's authority over M.I.9 was invalidated.
* Played by: Rebecca Palmer.

Agent Zero (The Grand Master's Nephew) is the brainless and rather boring nephew of the Grand Master. Unlike his devious and evil "Grand Uncle" , Agent Zero has no interest in taking over the world and/or working for S.K.U.L.; he'd rather tuck into a delicious Pot Noodle or some tasty sandwiches instead!
* Played by: Mark Bagnell.


The Prime Minister (World Leader - United Kingdom) is the leader of the UK and was kidnapped and cloned by the Guinea Pig in an attempt to start a war with Europe. He was also talking to the Space Centre Director and Lenny Bicknall on the telephone in "Nerd Alert". He was present during the Ryfield plane crisis and the asteroid emergency when he and his advisors, ministers, the Royal Family and other VIP's were relocated to a safety bunker.
* Played by: Robert Llewellyn.

Mary Taylor MP (Government Minister) is the Education Minister in the government. She believed she was allergic to children, but this was untrue. She attempted to have all of Britain's children sent to an Alcatraz version of a prison, telling the kids it was an adventure holiday. After a moment of madness in attempting to kidnap the children herself, she is last seen being hounded by the press. It is unknown if she resigned from the government
* Played by: Felicity Montagu.

Head of M.I.9 (M.I.9 Spy Master) is the spy in charge of M.I.9. She is talking to Lenny in "The Big Freeze" saying that she has had to cancel her barbecue. She later appears in "Spy Animals" being at M.I.9 in the bugged meeting room. In "Forever Young" she talks to Lenny saying they need results. However by the Crimewave episode, the Head of MI9 was replaced by another woman.
* Old Head of MI9 played by: Victoria Wicks.
* New Head of MI9 played by: Adjoa Andoh.

Roger Powel (Weather Bureau - Head of Research) Head of Research at the Weather Bureau. Attempted to pass Sonya Frost's weather machine as his own. He has no idea of the existence of S.K.U.L. He only had one A-level and he came clean by telling the public that Sonya invented the Weather Machine. After this he was sacked at the Weather Bureau.
* Played by: Simon Kunz.

Kyle Whittaker (British Army) is Blane's twelve-year senior brother, who is a commando in the British Army. Kyle was almost called into a Special Forces raid on The Worm's house which could have ended in disaster.
* Played by: Henry Lloyd-Hughes.

Dr. Simon Grabworst (N.O.S.E. Scientist) is the Chief Scientist at the National Organisation for Scientific Exploration – N.O.S.E. for short. He was affected by the water contaminated by Vanessa Zietgeist's regression formula, and attempted to tell the M.I.9 agents about how to solve the antidote by doing drawings. An antidote developed by Rose restored both him and the whole of the affected Saint Hope's to normal.
* Played by: Michael Webber.

Dylan Towser (British Army) is a very rich and intelligent boy genius who uses a wheelchair. He is working for the British Army to develop a Missile Disarmer. His Head of Security was General Ryan Scarp. He was kidnapped by Scarp who wanted to start a war with the missiles provided for the launch. His first Missile Disarmer was destroyed by Scarp, but he managed to build another just in time to stop the real missiles with which Scarp planned to start a Third World War.
* Played by: Louis Marlow.

Sergeant Rayner (British Army) is a British Army sergeant and subordinate of General Ryan Scarp. She does not tolerate incompetence, whingers or weaknesses of any other sort. But although she might be loud and scary, deep down, she has a good heart.
* Played by: Tameka Empson.

Lu (M.I.9 Human Robot) appears to be an ordinary-looking Chinese boy, but he is actually a human robot; the product of a eugenics program. To enable him to test-pilot a probe for M.I.9, his body has been specially designed to withstand the g-forces involved in air flight. An expert in science, Lu finds a friend in Rose.
* Played by: Tai-Li Lee.


Konnie Huq (BBC Presenter) is a real-life "Blue Peter" presenter. She knows about climate change and global warming. The Grand Master is her biggest fan.
* Played by: Herself.

Mr. Gupta (Rose's Dad) is Rose's pushy dad. He has high hopes for her and if she gets anything below an 'A' grade he is not happy. He wants to send her to posh school Montsignor Academy until Lenny convinces him that Saint Hope's is as hi-tech as it gets.
* Played by: Quill Roberts.

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