List of Guggenheim Fellowships awarded in 1949

List of Guggenheim Fellowships awarded in 1949

=1949 U.S. and Canadian Fellows=

# Robert Sharon Allen, Deceased. General Nonfiction: 1949.
# Emmett Langdon Avery, Deceased. 18th Century English Literature: 1949.
# M. Margaret Ball, Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Duke University: 1949.
# Edward Norton Barnhart, Deceased. Psychology and Political Science: 1949.
# Simon Harvey Bauer, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, Cornell University: 1949.
# Earl Francis Beach, Economist: 1949
# Elias J. Bickerman, Deceased. Classics: 1949, 1959.
# Hyman Bloom, Artist, Nashua, New Hampshire: 1949.
# Morton Wilfred Bloomfield, Deceased: Medievil Studies: 1949, 1964.
# Arna Bontemps, Deceased. Biography: 1949.
# Muriel Virginia Bradley, Deceased. Plant Biology: 1949.
# Helene M. Brewer, Professor Emeritus of English, Queens College, City University of New York: 1949. Appointed as Hooker, Helene Maxwell.
# Leo Brewer, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley: 1949.
# Elmer Grimshaw Butler, Deceased: Biology: 1949.
# John Cage, Deceased. Music Composition: 1949.
# Beekman Cox Cannon, Professor Emeritus of the History of Music, Yale University: 1949.
# Hadley Cantril, Deceased. Psychology: 1949.
# Marvin Carmack, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, Indiana University: 1949.
# Carl Vincent Confer, Professor Emeritus of History, Syracuse University: 1949.
# Eldzier Cortor, Artist, New York City: 1949.
# Robert MacGregor Dawson, Deceased. Political Science: 1949.
# Raymond Adrien de Roover, Deceased. Economics: 1949, 1952.
# Richard Mercer Dorson, Deceased. Folklore and Folk Music: 1949, 1964, 1971.
# Michael Doudoroff, Deceased. Biochemistry: 1949.
# Isidore Dyen, Professor Emeritus of Comparative Linguistics and Austronesian Languages, Yale University: 1949, 1964.
# Richard David Ellmann, Deceased. 19th & 20th Century English Literature: 1949, 1957, 1970.
# Murray B. Emeneau, Professor Emeritus of Sanskrit and General Linguistics, University of California, Berkeley: 1949, 1956.
# Duncan Black Macdonald Emrich, Deceased. Folklore: 1949.
# George E. Erikson, Professor Emeritus of Medical Science, Brown University; President, Erikson Biographical Institute, Inc.: 1949.
# William Oliver Everson, Deceased. Poetry: 1949.
# Archibald Smith Foord, Deceased. British History: 1949, 1968.
# George M. Foster, Jr., Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley: 1949.
# Sydney Joseph Freedberg, Deceased. Fine Arts Research: 1949, 1954.
# Wendell Hinkle Furry, Deceased. Particle Physics: 1949.
# John W(aldhorn) Gassner, Deceased. Theatre Arts: 1949.
# Paul Wallace Gates, John Stambaugh Professor Emeritus of History, Cornell University: 1949.
# Irving Goodman, Deceased. Biochemistry: 1949, 1950.
# Eleanor Green, Writer, Sherman, Connecticut: 1949, 1950.
# Irwin Clyde Gunsalus, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: 1949, 1959, 1967.
# Emil Walter Haury, Deceased. Anthropology: 1949.
# Virgil Barney Heltzel, Deceased. 16th & 17th C English Literature: 1949, 1950, 1965.
# Elwood Henneman, Deceased. Neuroscience: 1949.
# Rackham (Mrs) Holt, Deceased. Biography: 1949.
# Robert Stuart Hoyt, Deceased. Medieval History: 1949.
# Doris Humphrey, Deceased. Dance: 1949.
# George Evelyn Hutchinson, Deceased. Biology: 1949, 1957.
# Martin Jackson, Deceased. Fine Arts: 1949, 1950.
# Robert A. Kann, Deceased. German & East European History: 1949.
# Wilfred Kaplan, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics and Collegiate Professor, University of Michigan: 1949.
# Gerald Raymond Kechley, Composer; Professor Emeritus of Music, University of Washington: 1949, 1950.
# Stephen Cole Kleene, Deceased. Mathematics: 1949.
# Frederick Otto Koenig, Deceased. Chemistry: 1949, 1950.
# Emil Jan Konopinski, Deceased. Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Physics, Indiana University: 1949.
# Philip B. Kurland, Deceased. Law: 1949, 1955.
# James Craig La Drière, Deceased. Literary Criticism: 1949.
# John La Touche, Deceased. Drama: 1949.
# Arthur Stanley Link, Deceased. U. S. History: 1949.
# Peter Lipman-Wulf, Deceased. Fine Arts-Sculpture: 1949.
# Albert Bates Lord, Deceased. Folklore and Folk Music: 1949.
# George Robert Lunz, Deceased. Biology: 1949.
# Cora Elizabeth Lutz, Deceased. Medieval Studies: 1949, 1954.
# George Whitelaw Mackey, Landon T. Clay Professor Emeritus of Mathematics and Theoretical Science, Harvard University: 1949, 1961, 1970.
# Jean Paul Malaquais, Novelist, Paris: 1949.
# María-Rosa Lida Malkiel, Deceased. Spanish: 1949, 1950.
# David G. Mandelbaum, Deceased. Anthropology: 1949.
# Daniel Marx, Jr., Professor Emeritus of Economics, Dartmouth College: 1949.
# Abraham Mazur, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, City College, City University of New York: 1949.
# Mary McCarthy, Deceased. Fiction: 1949, 1959.
# Ruth Allan McIntyre, Deceased. British History: 1949.
# Arthur Mendel, Deceased. Music Research: 1949.
# Peter Mennin, Deceased. Music Composition: 1949, 1957.
# Bernard Mishkin, Deceased. Non-Fiction: 1949.
# Melvin Spencer Newman, Deceased: Chemistry: 1949.
# Harald Herborg Nielsen, Deceased. Physics: 1949.
# Walter J. Ong, S.J., University Professor Emeritus of Humanities, William E. Haren Professor Emeritus of English, and Professor of Humanities Emeritus in Psychiatry, St. Louis University: 1949, 1951.
# Arthur Osver, Artist; Professor Emeritus of Painting, Washington University: 1949, 1951.
# Cyrias Ouellet, Professor of Theoretical Physical Chemistry, Laval University: 1949.
# Homer Gordon Page, Deceased Photographer, Cornwall Bridge, Connecticut: 1949.
# George Frederik Papenfuss, Deceased. Biology-Plant Science: 1949.
# Angelo M. Pellegrini, Deceased. General Nonfiction: 1949.
# Frank Alois Pitelka, Research Ecologist, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology; Professor Emeritus of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley: 1949.
# Samuel (Whitehall) Putnam, Deceased. Latin American Studies: 1949.
# Sidney Raffel, Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology, Stanford University: 1949.
# John C(alyer) Ranney, Deceased. Political Science: 1949.
# Dora Neill Raymond, Deceased. British History: 1949.
# William Joseph Roach, Deceased. French Literature: 1949, 1956.
# Malcolm MacKenzie Ross, Thomas McCullough Professor Emeritus of English, Dalhousie University: 1949.
# A. Arthur Schiller, Deceased. Political Science and Law: 1949, 1955, 1962.
# Leo F(ranz) Schrade, Deceased. Music Research: 1949, 1951, 1956.
# Bernice Giduz Schubert, Deceased. Biology-Plant Science: 1949.
# Leonard Louis Schwartz, Deceased. Fine Arts - Sculpture: 1949.
# Tibor Scitovsky, Eberle Professor Emeritus of Economics, Stanford University: 1949.
# Kenneth Meyer Setton, Deceased. Near Eastern Studies: 1949, 1950.
# Jean Joseph Seznec, Deceased. French: 1949.
# Philip Francisco Stapp, Film Maker, Scottsdale, Arizona: 1949.
# Robert Cyril Stebbins, Professor of Zoology and Curator in Herpetology, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley: 1949.
# Wallace Stegner, Deceased. Fiction: 1949, 1952, 1959.
# Wylie Sypher, Deceased. Literary Criticism: 1949, 1958.
# Henry Taube, Marguerite Blake Wilbur Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, Stanford University: 1949, 1955.
# James Thorpe, Retired Senior Research Associate, Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, San Marino, California: 1949, 1965.
# John Wilder Tukey, Deceased. Statistics: 1949.
# Charles Umlauf, Deceased. Fine Arts: Sculpture: 1949.
# Claude Alvin Villee, Jr., Andelot Professor Emeritus of Biological Chemistry, Harvard University: 1949.
# David Herschel Volman, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, University of California, Davis: 1949.
# Victor Wolfgang von Hagen, Deceased. Biography: 1949, 1950.
# Philip Adrian Wadsworth, Deceased. French Literature: 1949.
# Ronald N. Walpole, Deceased. French Literature: 1949.
# Marta Sherman Walters, Research Associate, Santa Barbara Botanic Garden; Research Associate in Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara: 1949.
# Robert E. Ward, Composer; Mary Duke Biddle Professor Emeritus of Composition, Duke University: 1949, 1950, 1966.
# Austin Warren, Deceased. 16th & 17th Century English Literature: 1949.
# Gordon Bailey Washburn, Deceased. Fine Arts Research: 1949.
# Dorothy Walcott Weeks, Deceased. Physics: 1949.
# Harold Edwin Wethey, Deceased. Fine Arts Research: 1949, 1971.
# Morton Gabriel White, Professor Emeritus and Permanent Member, School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey: 1949.
# Howel Williams, Deceased. Earth Science: 1949, 1957.
# Jay Williams, Deceased. Fiction: 1949.
# Edgar Bright Wilson, Jr., Deceased. Chemistry: 1949, 1970.
# Charles Maurice Wiltse, Deceased. Professor Emeritus of History, Dartmouth College: 1949, 1950.
# Bertram D. Wolfe, Deceased. Russian Studies: 1949, 1950, 1953.
# Richard F. Wolfson, Deceased. Law: 1949.
# Adja Yunkers, Deceased. Fine Arts Research: 1949, 1954.
# Laszlo K. Zechmeister, Deceased. Chemistry: 1949.
# Hans Handforth Zinsser, Deceased. Biochemistry: 1949, 1950.

1949 Latin American and Caribbean Fellows

# Aníbal Buitrón Cháves, Retired Anthropologist, Watsonville, California: 1949.
# Roque Cordero, Composer; Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Music, Illinois State University: 1949.
# Ernesto Gutiérrez Ballesteros, Head, Laboratory of Protozoology, Institute of Public and Tropical Diseases, Mexico, D.F.: 1949.
# Arístides Herrer Alva, National Institute of Health, Lima: 1949.
# Jesús M. Idrobo Muñoz, Professor Emeritus of Botany, National University of Colombia; Botanist, Institute of Natural Sciences, Bogotá: 1949.
# John Lane, Deceased. Biology: 1949.
# Juan Larrea y Celayeta, Deceased. Intellectual History: 1949, 1950.
# Abelardo Moreno Bonilla, Deceased. Geography: 1949, 1950.
# Leopoldo Nachbin, Deceased.George Eastman Retired Professor of Mathematics, University of Rochester: 1949, 1957, 1958.
# Hermann Niemeyer Fernández, Professor of Biochemistry, Department of Biology, University of Chile: 1949.
# Juan José Parodiz, Deceased. Organismic Biology and Ecology:1949
# Carlos de Paula Couto, Deceased. Earth Science: 1949, 1951, 1966.
# José Pisanty Ovadía, Professor of Physiology, University of Nuevo León: 1949.
# Llewellyn Ivor Price, Deceased. Biology: 1949.
# Raúl Esteban Trucco, Director, Research Center for Fisheries Technology, Mar del Plata, Argentina: 1949, 1950.
# Paulo Emilio Vanzolini, Director, Zoological Museum, University of São Paulo: 1949, 1955, 1958.

External links

* [ Guggenheim Fellows for 1949]

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*Guggenheim Fellowship

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