- List of Guggenheim Fellowships awarded in 1946
=1946 U.S. and Canadian Fellows=
Ansel Adams , Deceased. Photography: 1946, 1948, 1959.
# Theodore W. Anderson, Professor Emeritus of Statistics and Economics, Stanford University: 1946.
# Pedro Armillas, Deceased. Anthropology: 1946.
# Daniel I. Arnon, Deceased. Biochemistry-Molecular Biology: 1946, 1962.
# R(obert) C(ecil) Bald, Deceased. Biography: 1946, 1960.
# Robert Hamilton Ball, Deceased. 16th and 17th English Literature: 1946.
# Robert Ballentine, Deceased. Biology & Ecology: 1946.
# R(obert) H(ayward) Barlow, Deceased. Latin American Studies: 1946, 1947.
# William Howard Barnes, Deceased. Chemistry: 1946.
#Gregory Bateson , Deceased. Anthropology: 1946.
# Cedric Belfrage, Deceased. General Nonfiction: 1946.
#William Bergsma , Deceased. Music Composition: 1946, 1951.
# Eugene Berman, Deceased. Fine Arts: 1946, 1948.
# Joseph Benjamin Birdsell, Deceased. Anthropology: 1946, 1952.
# Robert Noel Blair, Painter, Holland, New York: 1946, 1951.
# Bernard Boivin, Deceased. Research Scientist: 1946.
# Rolf Ling Bolin, Deceased. Biology: 1946.
# Philip D. Bradley, Economist, Washington, D.C.: 1946.
# Henry Dreyfuss Brant, Composer, Santa Barbara, California: 1946, 1955.
# Manuel Bromberg, Professor Emeritus of Art, State University of New York, New Paltz, New York: 1946.
#Gwendolyn Brooks , Writer, Chicago: 1946, 1947.
# Huntington Brown, Deceased. Literary Criticism: 1946.
# Richard Hubert Bruck, Deceased. Mathematics: 1946.
# Jerome Hamilton Buckley, Gurney Professor Emeritus of English Literature, Harvard University: 1946, 1963.
# Sam Byrd, Deceased. Fiction: 1946, 1948.
# Corrado Cagli, Painter, Rome: 1946.
# Wilbert McLeod Chapman, Deceased. Biology: 1946.
# Marshall Clagett, Professor Emeritus, School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey: 1946, 1950.
# Carroll Cloar, Deceased. Fine Arts, Painting: 1946.
# Donovan Stewart Correll, Deceased Taxonomist, Fairchild Tropical Garden, Miami: 1946, 1959.
#Maya Deren , Deceased. Film Making: 1946.
# George P. Fedotov, Deceased. Slavic Studies: 1946.
# James Alfred Ford, Deceased. Anthropology: 1946.
# Francis Raymond Fosberg, Deceased. Biology-Plant Science: 1946.
# Mitchell Franklin, Deceased Irby Professor Emeritus of Law, Tulane University; Professor of Law and Philosophy, State University of New York at Buffalo: 1946.
# Arthur William Galston, Eaton Professor Emeritus of Botany and Professor of Forestry, Yale University: 1946, 1951.
# Arthur Charles Giese, Deceased. Biochemistry -Molecular Biology: 1946, 1958.
# Paul Antoine Giguère, Deceased. Chemistry: 1946, 1948.
#Nelson Goodman , Deceased. Philosophy: 1946.
# Morris Cole Graves, Painter, Loleta, California: 1946.
# Alexei Haieff, Deceased. Music Composition: 1946, 1949.
# Gordon Sherman Haight, Deceased. 19th Century British Literature: 1946, 1953, 1960.
# Holman Hamilton, Deceased. U.S. History: 1946.
# Frederick Hartt, Deceased. Fine Arts Research: 1946, 1954.
# Evelyn Anderson Haymaker, Deceased. Medicine: 1946. Appointed as Anderson, Evelyn.
# Wayne Eskett Hazen, Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of Michigan: 1946, 1953.
# James Lynn Hoard, Deceased. Chemistry: 1946, 1960, 1966.
# Everette Howard Hunt, Jr., Writer, Miami, Florida: 1946.
# Henry Rudolph Immerwahr, Alumni Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Greek, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: 1946.
# Roman Jakobson, Deceased. Linguistics: 1946.
# Mitchell Jamieson, Deceased. Fine Arts: 1946, 1948.
#Randall Jarrell , Deceased. Poetry: 1946.
# Elwood Vernon Jensen, Charles B. Huggins Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus, University of Chicago: 1946.
# Louis Clark Jones, Deceased. Folklore and Folk Music: 1946.
#Mark Kac , Deceased. Mathematics: 1946.
# Willmoore Kendall, Deceased. Political Science, Philosophy: 1946.
# Clyde K. Kluckhohn, Deceased. Anthropology: 1946.
# Alice Elizabeth Kober, Deceased. Classics: 1946.
# Paul Harold Kocher, Deceased. 16th & 17th Century English Literature: 1946, 1955.
# Shuichi Kusaka, Deceased. Physics: 1946.
# Weston La Barre, Deceased. Anthropology: 1946.
# Louis A. Landa, Deceased. 18th Century English Literature: 1946, 1966.
# Stephen Addison Larrabee, Deceased. American Literature: 1946.
# Roger Lemelin, Deceased. Fiction: 1946, 1947.
# A. Starker Leopold, Deceased. Biology: 1946.
# Wolf Leslau, Professor Emeritus of Hebrew and Semitic Linguistics, University of California, Los Angeles: 1946, 1947.
# John Ayres Lessard, Composer, East Setauket, New York: 1946, 1953.
#Alan Lomax , Writer; Research Associate in Anthropology, Columbia University: 1946.
# Edward Elias Lowinsky, Deceased. Music Research: 1946, 1976.
# Maurice Mandelbaum, Deceased. Philosophy: 1946.
# Berta Margoulies, Sculptor, Berkeley, California: 1946.
# William Matthews, Deceased. Bibliography, Medieval Studies: 1946, 1958.
# Merritt Mauzey, Deceased. Fine Arts-Painting: 1946.
# Donald Vincent McGranahan, Retired Director, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Geneva: 1946.
# William George McMillan, Professor of Chemistry, University of California, Los Angeles: 1946.
#Gian Carlo Menotti , Composer, New York City: 1946, 1947.
# Barse Miller, Deceased. Fine Arts-Painting: 1946.
# Wayne Forest Miller, Photographer, Orinda, California: 1946, 1947.
# Charles Alexander Moore, Deceased. Philosophy: 1946.
# Harold Emery Moore, Jr, Deceased. Biology-Plant Science: 1946, 1955.
# Sanford A(lexander) Mosk, Deceased. Economics: 1946.
#Franz Leopold Neumann , Deceased. Political Science: 1946.
# James R. Newman, Deceased. History of Science: 1946, 1947.
# Ruth Nickerson, Sculptor, White Plains, New York: 1946.
# Walter John Nickerson, Deceased. Biochemistry: 1946.
# James Henry Oliver, Deceased. Classics: 1946, 1955.
# William Donald Oliver, Deceased. Philosophy: 1946.
# Chaim Leib Pekeris, Deceased. Applied Science: 1946, 1968, 1972.
# Robert Leroy Platzman, Deceased. Particle Physics: 1946, 1947.
# Robert Armstrong Pratt, Deceased. Foundation Professor Emeritus in the Humanities, University of Pennsylvania: 1946, 1954.
# G. Baley Price, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, University of Kansas: 1946.
# Paul Charles Rosenbloom, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, Teachers College, Columbia University: 1946.
# Franz Rosenthal, Sterling Professor Emeritus of Near Eastern Languages, Yale University: 1946.
# Henry Scheffé, Deceased. Statistics: 1946.
#Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. , Chair, Albert Schweitzer Professor Emeritus of the Humanities, Graduate School, City University of New York: 1946.
# Irving Ezra Segal, Deceased: Mathematics: 1946, 1951, 1967.
# Harold Samuel Shapero, Composer; Walter W. Naumburg Professor Emeritus of Music, Brandeis University: 1946, 1947.
# Theodore Silverstein, Professor Emeritus of English, University of Chicago: 1946.
# Herbert Silvette, Writer, Standardsville, Virginia: 1946.
# Alexander Frank Skutch, Ornithologist, San Isidro del General, Costa Rica: 1946, 1951.
# Albert Charles Smith, Deceased. Biology-Plant Science: 1946.
#G. E. Kidder Smith , Deceased. Photography: 1946.
# Virginia Eggertsen Sorensen Waugh, Deceased. Fiction: 1946, 1954. Appointed as Sorensen, Virginia Eggertsen.
# Kaj Aage Gunnar Strand, Deceased. Astronomy-Astrophysics: 1946.
# Ernest Albert Strathmann, Deceased. 16th & 17th Century English Literature: 1946, 1954.
#Morris Swadesh , Deceased. Anthropology: 1946, 1947.
# Louise Juliette Talma, Deceased. Music Composition: 1946, 1947.
# Abraham Haskell Taub, deceased.Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley: 1946, 1953.
# Ernest Robert Tinkham, Deceased. Medicine: 1946.
# Warren Stenson Tryon, Deceased. American Literature: 1946.
# Francis Lee Utley, Deceased. Medieval Studies & Folklore: 1946, 1947, 1952.
# James Alfred Van Allen, Carver Professor Emeritus of Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa: 1946.
# John Weedon Verrall, Composer; Professor Emeritus of Music, University of Washington: 1946.
# Walter B. C. Watkins, Deceased. Literary Criticism: 1946, 1950.
# Lemen Jonathan Wells, Deceased Professor Emeritus of Anatomy, University of Minnesota Medical School: 1946.
# John Archibald Wheeler, Joseph Henry Professor Emeritus of Physics, Princeton University; Ashbel Smith Professor of Physics, University of Texas at Austin: 1946, 1949.
# Thomas Wallace Whitaker, Plant Geneticist, Western Region, Agricultural Research Service; Research Associate, University of California, San Diego: 1946, 1958.
# Arthur Ranous Wilmurt, Deceased. Drama & Performance Art: 1946.
# William Kurtz Wimsatt, Jr, Deceased. Literary Criticism: 1946.
# Emanuel Winternitz, Deceased. Music Research: 1946.
# John William Theodore Youngs, Deceased. Mathematics: 1946.1946
Latin American andCaribbean Fellows# R. Fernando Alegría, Sadie Dernham Patek Professor Emeritus in the Humanities, Stanford University: 1946.
#Joao Batista Vilanova Artigas , Deceased. Architecture: 1946.
# Carlos Bosch-García, Deceased. Iberian and Latin American History: 1946.
# Eduardo D. De Robertis, Deceased. Biology: 1946, 1947.
# José María Ferrater Mora, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Bryn Mawr College: 1946, 1948.
# René Honorato Cienfuegos, Professor of Experimental Medicine, University of Chile: 1946.
# Moisés Kramer, Biologist: 1946.
# Julio Le Riverend Brusone, Social Scientist: 1946.
# Cecilio Lopez, Deceased. Linguistics: 1946.
# Joao Moojen de Oliveira, Deceased. Biology: 1946.
# Paris Pishmish de Recillas, Professor of Astronomy, National Autonomous University of Mexico: 1946. Appointed as Paris Pishmish Recillas.
# Horacio José Ambrosio Rimoldi, Psychologist: 1946.
# Elysiário Távora Filho, Geologist, Rio de Janeiro: 1946.
# Héctor A. Tosar Errecart, Professor of Composition, Escuela Universitaria de Musica, Paysandu 843; Montivideo, Uruguay: 1946, 1960.External links
* [http://www.gf.org/46fellow.html Guggenheim Fellows for 1946]
ee also
Guggenheim Fellowship
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