La Foire aux immortels

La Foire aux immortels


caption=La Foire aux immortels
title=The Carnival of Immortals
foreigntitle=La Foire aux Immortels
series=Nikopol Trilogy
writers=Enki Bilal
artists=Enki Bilal
publisher=Les Humanoïdes Associés
transpublisher=Humanoids Publishing

"The Carnival of Immortals" (Original: "La Foire aux Immortels") is a science fiction comic book from 1980 written and illustrated by the Yugoslavian born French cartoonist and storyteller Enki Bilal. It is the first part of the Nikopol Trilogy, followed up by "La Femme piège" ("The Woman Trap") in 1986 and ending with "Froid Équateur" ("Equator Cold") in 1992. In 2004, Bilal directed the film adaptation Immortel (Ad Vitam), although many plot elements were changed from the comic book.


Set in the year 2023, the book follows Alcide Nikopol who returns to Paris after spending 30 years frozen in space as a punishment for dodging the draft. The Paris he once knew is now ruled by fascist dictator J. F. Choublanc, the city is swarming with aliens, decaying and succumbing to chaos. At the same time, a flying pyramid-shaped space craft is hovering over Paris. It is inhabited by Egyptian gods who ask for fuel from the local authorities, as their pyramid vessel has run out of gas. In return for this service Choublanc wants immortality from the gods. One renegade god, Horus, meets up with the disillusioned Nikopol in the Metro and they agree Horus may control Nikopol's body. Together they go on a journey to oppose the corrupt and megalomaniacal powers of the 21st century.

External links

* [ The Nikopol Trilogy at Humanoids Publishing]
* [ La Foire aux Immortels at Les Humanoïdes Associés]

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