

Portendo is the codename for a project that utilized the NES-on-a-chip apparatus. The whole concept behind this project was that video game hacker Kevin Horton heard about some portable Famiclone named Top Guy that had zenith-low availability. The shell used for this project was the shell of the Sega Nomad which was also low on availability and popularity. Horton also used the LCD of the Sega Nomad by taking the composite video signal of the NES and converting it to an RGB signal for the LCD. He made his own chroma decoder for this project.

Portendo is portmanteau (from "portable" and "Nintendo").


* [http://www.consoledatabase.com/consoleinfo/portendo/ Portendo Information on Consoledatabase.com]
* [http://www.tripoint.org/kevtris/ Kevin Horton's Website]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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