- Pond Life (TV Series)
"Pond Life" is a British animated television series that ran on
Channel 4 fromMarch 1998 toOctober 2000 . The first series was screened in 1998, with the second series following in 2000. Written and directed byCandy Guard , the comedy follows the daily infuriations and half successes of its neurotic and self-obsessed protagonist, Dolly Pond.Although "Pond Life" is a traditional hand-drawn cartoon, the comedy series was directed at adult audiences and specifically targeted at female viewers.
"Pond Life" began life in 1992 with a pilot episode entitled "I Want a Boyfriend ... Or Do I?", co-commissioned by Channel 4 and S4C. [cite web|title=Out of the Animation Ghetto: Clare Kitson and Her Muffia|work=awn.com|url=http://www.awn.com/mag/issue1.2/articles1.2/mcgreal1.2.html|accessdate=2008-02-08]
External links
*imdb title|id=0320924|title=Pond Life
* [http://epguides.com/PondLife/ Episode guide] at epguides.com
* [http://www.channel4.com/community/showcards/P/Pond_Life_-_Candy_Guard.html Archived online chat with Candy Guard] at channel4.com
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