List of characters in El Tigre

List of characters in El Tigre

The following is a list of characters which appear in the Nicktoons Network animated television series

Main Characters

=Manny Rivera/El Tigre=

Infobox character
color = blue

name = Manny Rivera
caption = This I swear
first = "Sole of a Hero"

alias = El Tigre
species = Human
gender = Male
age = 13
hair color - black chocolate

country = Mexico
ethnicity = Mexican
born = May 1, 1995
title = Hero/Villain/Anti-Hero
family = Rodolfo Rivera (Human Father)
Maria Rivera (Human Mother)
Grandpapi Rivera (Human Grandfather)
relatives = Justice Jaguar (Human Great-grandfather)
The Mighty Cheetar (Human Great-great grandfather)
Golden Leon (Human Great-great-great grandfather)
Dark Leopard (Human Great-great-great-great grandfather)
El Tigre I (Ancestor)
episode count = All
portrayer = Alanna Ubach
creator =Jorge Gutierrez y Sandra Equiua

Manny Rivera is a 13-year-old Mexican-American boy, White Pantera's son and Puma Loco's grandson. He wants to be a lot good for his father Rodolfo, but being a little bit bad like his grandfather Granpapi Rivera is too much fun.

When he spins his mystical belt buckle, Manny transforms into the brave and powerful tiger-themed superhero El Tigre, who struggles with whether to use his superpowers for good or evil. His superhero name translates from Spanish to "The Tiger", which refers to his costume & claws. His powers include sharp retractable claws that can cut through almost anything, shooting out his hand like a grappling hook (hand cut off in "Decision of Destiny"), super strength, and a super jumping ability.

In The Grave Escape, he gained the power to summon a Tiger spirit, creating a large green Tiger-shaped energy field around himself that mimics his motions. He often does a few bad things but nearly always does thousands of good things to make up for it.

El Tigre briefly developed a crush on a raven-themed supervillainess Black Cuervo, even calling her mi amor (Spanish for "my love"), but seems to lose interest in her at the end of the episode, Enter the Cuervo. In the show also have some hints of Manny having feelings for his best friend Frida. It shows in the episode "Silver Wolf" that he burns with jealousey and fights for Frida in the mid-ending. Also in the episode "Adios Amigos" it shows how much he cares about her.

It was shown in the episode, The Moustache Kid, that other creatures are able to use his mystic belt buckle, as shown when Dr. Chipotle Jr. used it to amplify the power of his guacamole creature, giving it cat-like ears, white tufts of hair on the sides of its head, and claw gloves.

Manny is voiced by Alanna Ubach.

Frida Suárez

Infobox character
color = pink
name = Frida Suárez

caption =
first = "Sole of a Hero"
last = "No Boots, No Belt No Brero"
species = Human
gender = Female
age = 13
hair color = blue

country = Mexico
ethnicity = Mexican
born = May 5, 1995
title = Heroine/Villainess
family = Emiliano Suárez (Human Father)
Carmela Suárez (Human Mother)
Nikita Suárez (Human Older sister)
Anita Suárez (Human Older sister)
relatives =
band = (none)
instrument = (none)
episode count = All
portrayer = Grey DeLisle
creator =

Frida Suárez is Manny's 13-year-old best friend who lives in a residence with her parents and older twin sisters. She is up for anything, even if it gets them in trouble. Frida always wears a pair of red goggles over her blue hair.

She will even cheer Manny on if he is doing something wrong (like the laser tattoo maker Manny wanted and stole his dad's money that was for buying guacamole. Frida cheered him on like always.) Her arch rival is Zoe Aves who is secretly "Black Cuervo."

Frida loves animals specially dogs and wolves,(In Sole of a Hero she was watching her dogs, in the Grave Escape, she plays with skeleton dogs, she owns two dogs and in Teen Wolf, she hangs out with Silver Wolf, a wolf-themed supervillain). She also loves churros and usually with Manny at any time.

While she doesn't commonly show it. In several episodes, there are events that suggest that Frida has a crush on Manny. Such as "The Mustache Kid" Manny is in a car filled with girls and Frida has a very jealous face as she sits in the back seat and the last moment of the episode "Oso Sole Mio" when she mentions love (saying "Isn't love lovely?") to Manny and even sliding closer to him slowly for humorous effect, adding with the closing black transition going down in a Heart shape. The crush is confirmed in the end of the episode "No Boots, No Belt, No Brero" Frida falls into Manny's arms from her cat's Air inflated body and says "Kiss me you fool!" and flips the positions in which she is holding Manny in her arms instead of the former position. They kiss, and Frida throws Manny away to the side and makes a big grin.

Frida is voiced by Grey DeLisle.

Rodolfo Rivera/White Pantera

Rodolfo is Manny's father and Puma Loco's son. Pantera can refer to a panther or any member of the panthera genus of cats.

He is semi-retired but has about as much trouble giving up being White Pantera as his father has giving up being Puma Loco (he never removes his magic boots, even when asleep, and only seems to take his mask off to do laundry). Rodolfo has a love-hate relationship with his father.

Despite their differences and Grandpapi's desire to pull Manny over to the dark side, Rodolfo always puts his family first. His source of power is his Bronze Boots of Truth, which give him superhuman speed and strength and make anyone who touches the sole of the boots have to tell the truth.

It seems that even though White Pantera is a hero, he inherited some bad habits from his father, such as when he accidentally locked Manny and Frida in Manny's room with a pizza to be alone with Maria during family dinner night. Notably, he is the only superhero to escape death at the jaws of El Mal Verde. During Sartana's tournament, he dressed himself up as a fake supervillan named "Black Pantera",Rodolfo likes Grapefruits.

Rodolfo is voiced by Eric Bauza.

Grandpapi Rivera/Puma Loco

Granpapi is Manny's grandfather and Rodolfo's father. He a "friendly" old man who loves his grandson Manny very much. He is also evil to the core. His name means "Crazy Puma" in Spanish. Back in the old days, Grandpapi was one of the most feared villains who no one could catch (except his son White Pantera, of course). He wants Manny to follow in his footsteps, even encouraging him to do bad things like stealing. Despite the fact he is evil, there are things he won't do, such as betray his family. He always comes through when they're in danger even though it'd be easier for him to pull off crimes without his son in the way. His source of power is the Golden Sombrero of Chaos, which is able to transform into a robotic suit, similar to how a Transformer (Optimus Prime for example) transforms, and can produce several different weapons such as claws, a giant drill, and even a small hot air balloon, though the most commonly used are missiles. In Puma Licito, It is revealed that Grandpapi actually owns the house he, Rodolfo and Manny live in.

Grandpapi is voiced by Carlos Alazraqui.

Maria Rivera/Plata Peligrosa

Maria Rivera Maria is Manny's mother, and Rodolfo's ex-wife.

When Manny was young, Maria divorced Rodolfo, because she could not stand him getting hurt as a superhero. She then became a famous mariachi singer, and traveled the world. Manny and Grandpapi visited her every now and then.

Maria loves books, and often brings out a book to prove her point, as well as stating, "It's a fact!" Maria cares a lot for Manny, and often brings him gifts from places she's been to. She's still indifferent about Rodolfo, but respects him. Later, she becomes the librarian for Leone Middle school.

In the chapter titled A Mother's Glove, Manny discovers once she was a superhero too, but she renounced to her powers 'cause she couldn't handle the power and had the tendency to be more destructive than heroic and attacking everyone she saw, even herself. In the chapter titled The Return of Plata Peligrosa, Maria has learned to control her powers. However, if she wears her glove for longer than one hour she becomes crazy and destructive again. Her name means "Dangerous Silver".

Maria is voiced by April Stewart.


Golden Leon

Manny's ancestor and the 1st Rivera superhero, his costume is similar to the clothing of a Conquistador and speaks in Old English and Galician Spanish. His name means "Golden Lion". He is the son of Dark Leopard, father of the Mighty Cheetar, grandfather of Justice Jaguar, great-grandfather of Puma Loco, great-great grandfather of White Panthera, and Manny's great-great-great grandfather.

Justice Jaguar

Manny's great-grandfather, Rodolfo's grandfather, Puma Loco's father and is son to the Mighty Cheetar. He dresses in a mariachi style costume, and he appeared riding a horse when Manny talked about him. Apparently he died attempting the Rivera "Super Macho Blitz" and despite his passed differences with his son, they both still miss each other.

The Industrialist

The Industrialist is guardian of the defriendless. He shoots I-beams from a cannon on his arm and cement as well. He is a member of the League of Alliance Society.

Cosmic Cleopatra

Cosmic Cleopatra is sorceress of magic. She was a member of the League of Alliance Society.

Silver Sombrero

Silver Sombrero uses a spinning silver sombrero as a weapon. He throws it and it spins around like a blade. He is the leader of the League of Alliance Society.

El Cucharón

El Cucharón is a supervillain-turned superhero who can control spoons. He helped El Tigre and Frida stop Dr. Chipotle Sr. and El Oso, who were trying to "reform" as well as himself, but decided to actually be good instead of the other two, who took advantage of Manny's mother and tried to rob a bank. He later served as a minister at the wedding of Puma Loco and Sartana of the Dead.

Voiced by Efrem Ramirez.

The Golden Eagle Twins

The Golden Eagle Twins are two young superheroes who are twins. They appear to be very clean cut and respectable however they really are just michevous kids like Manny. However unlike Manny they use their reputation as superheroes to get whatever they want. It is implied by other people and even the villians they come in contact with that they really do put a whalloping on the bad guys. This could indicate that they really did do all they could before they realize they could abuse their fame.

Their powers are energy based and oddly enough the only eagle-themed ability they posses is their flight. However when they join together they have the power to summon a very powerful energy orb-like attack that can't be stopped as long as they are joined together. Manny and Frida are able to distract them by calling their Zepellion a blimp, which they dislike.

Recurring Villains

Sartana of the Dead

Sartana of the dead is the most dangerous, most devious, and most feared super villain in all of Miracle City. From her lair in the abandoned prison cemetery, the 200-year-old skeleton lady sartana plots to overthrow Miracle city and rule it for herself. The guitar is also her weakness because if the guitar is destroyed everything it rose from the dead (Sartana included) reverts back to dead. This is how she is normally defeated but she seems to somehow keep getting it back. Perhaps the scariest thing is that she can never truly be destroyed and always finds a way to come back to life. Manny stole the guitar when he accidentally killed Zebra Donkey in an attempt to bring it back to life in time for the Zebra Donkey festival. On one occasion, she invited most of the villains in Miracle City to compete in her tournament during her "upcoming retirement."

Sartana is voiced by Susan Silo.

Sergio/Señor Siniestro

Infobox character
color = brown
name = Sergio

caption =
first = "El Tigre, El Jefe"
last =
alias = Señor Siniestro
species = Human
gender = Male
age = 13
hair color = brown

country = Italy
ethnicity = Italian
born = July 4, 1994
title = Villain
family = Unknown
portrayer = Jeff Bennett
episode count =

Sergio is a very small 13-year-old Italian-American guy who was transferred to Miracle City from Italy. On his first day at Leone Middle School, he foolishly wore his beloved cowboy costume, complete with broomstick horsey. Humiliation, unintentionally led by Manny, ensued and Sergio swore vengeance on Miracle City, especially Manny. Sergio uses a 10 foot tall robot suit to pose as an adult cowboy super villain named Señor Siniestro. Señor Siniestro is usually found spewing cowboy lingo with an absurdly inaccurate Texan accent while looking for his foe, Manny Rivera. He was also one of the competitors of the Super-Villain Grand Prix and kicked the other competitors out of the race and got crushed by a crocodile and finished 2nd place over a crocodile. He also tried make Manny and Frida late for school so they would be expelled. He also forced the students to build him a robotic horse suit which was destroyed by El Tigre.

He has a huge crush on Frida but, she is not interested in him. His supervillain name means Mr. Sinister. He is friends with Dr. Chipotle Jr and knows his real name. They sometimes play video games in his lair.

Sergio is voiced by Jeff Bennett.

Zoe Aves/Black Cuervo

Infobox character
color = Purple
name = Zoe Aves

caption =
first = "Enter The Cuervo"
last =
alias = Black Cuervo
species = Human
gender = Female
age = 13
hair color = dark purple

country = Mexico
ethnicity = Mexican
born = April 27, 1993
title = Villainess
family = Mrs. Aves/Voltura (Human Mother)
Lady Gobbler (Human Grandmother)
portrayer = Candi Milo
episode count = 4

Zoe Aves is a perfectly spoiled 13-year-old School-Bully Mexican-American girl. Her supervillainess name translates to Black Raven. First appearance: Enter the Cuervo.

Zoe's family clan is the Flock of Fury. Just like the Riveras all have Feline alter egos, the Flock of Fury is made up of bird-themed alter-egos. By day she's disinterested in life in general, but when night falls she's Black Cuervo, a take-charge raven-themed supervillainess who is much more full of life then the goth Zoe.

She is equipped with a laser blaster on her wrist and jet-wings on her back, as well as a sonic device she can use to send out a distress call to signal her family for help. Zoe has an evil mom named Voltura and a really evil grandmother known as Lady Gobbler.

As both Zoe and Black Cuervo, she is Frida Suárez's nemesis. In her first appearance of the series, El Tigre seems to develop a wrong crush on her. It is then revealed that Frida somehow "humiliated" Zoe once and she was just using Manny to get to her. After discovering her plot, he loses interest just as Black Cuervo has developed a crush on him at the end of the episode before Manny hits her with the "Spinning Armadillo", a special move that had taken Manny years to learn.

Afterwards, she immediately snaps out of her trance-like state, and calls in her mother and grandmami with her ear-blasting call. In Eye Caramba, it is known that the Flock of Fury has badly dated a number of two Rivera men. It seems she still has a crush on Manny.

The Flock of Fury was one of the competitors of the Super-Villain Grand Prix and finished last place because of El Tigre. The Aves family seems to be the opposite of the Rivera family.

Zoe is voiced by Candi Milo.


Voltura Zoe Aves's mother, the leader of The Flock of Fury, and White Pantera's arch nemesis. She is a vulture-themed villainess. She, like her daughter and mother, sports a pair of wings and a laser cannon. She also has a pair of headphones installed to talk to the other flock members, and a string harpoon shooter. When she was in high school, she was White pantera's girlfriend until he broke up with her, though no one is sure why it happened. She also pretends she broke up with him, but someone keeps on correcting her.

Voltura is voiced by Grey DeLisle.

Grandmami Aves/Lady Gobbler

Grandmami Aves/Lady Gobbler is a turkey themed villain, and like both her daughter and granddaughter, will not let go of a past relationship with Grandpapi, who left her heartbroken at the church altar when he rode off with a different women. She sports much the same weaponry as the rest of her family.

Grandmami is voiced by Carlos Alazraqui.

Dr. Chipotle, Sr

Dr. Chipotle, Sr. Father of Dr. Chipotle, Jr. He was put away when his son was 7 years old by El Tigre and White Pantera. He was one of the villains that Maria Rivera tried to reform. However, he only used it as a cover to dig a tunnel into the Miracle City Mint. He acts and has a voice similar to his son's, he even has a massive robotic metal arm and a cybernetic right eye like his. Dr. Chipotle Sr. is allergic to churros. He and his son also competed in the Super-Villain Grand Prix and were thrown at the skeleton banditos. It is unknown that he knows Senor Siniestro.

Chipotle Sr. is voiced by Richard Steven Horvitz.

Diego/Dr. Chipotle, Jr.

Infobox character
color = green
name = Diego

caption =
first = "Night of the Living Guacamole"
last =
alias = Dr. Chipotle Jr.
species = Human Cyborg
gender = Male
age = 10
hair color = withe

country = Mexico
ethnicity = Mexican
born =
title = Villain/Mad scientist
family = Dr. Chipoltle Sr. (father)
portrayer = Richard Steven Horvitz
episode count =

Diego a.k.a. Dr. Chipotle, Jr. is an evil mad scientist with a massive robotic metal arm and a cybernetic right eye.

When Diego was just 7, he watched El Tigre and White Pantera put his father in jail and swore he'd get back at them some day. He uses strange weapons such as Zombie Guacamole, which is another thing he has in common with his father, who once robbed a bank using hot peppers mutated into monsters.

He gets furious at the sound of Manny and Frida mis-pronouncing or completely messing up his name, such as "Dr. Habanera", "Dr. Paprika" or "Dr. Jalapeño". He yells out at the word, "CHIPOTLE!!!".

The Chipotles was one of the competitors of the Super-Villain Grand Prix and finished sixth place because of El Tigre. He is also friends with Senor Siniestro and knows who he really is and they sometimes play video games in his lair. He also has a crush on Frida.

Diego is voiced by Richard Steven Horvitz.

El Oso

El Oso A large, hairy thug with superhuman strength. He spends most of his time causing chaos in Miracle City. His name literally means "the bear" in Spanish. Rumored to have been raised by bears (Which is confirmed in Ose Solo Mio). He lives on the outskirts of Miracle City in Calavera, the criminal capital of the world. No matter how many times El Tigre or White Pantera puts El Oso behind bars, he manages to break out in time for dinner.

El Oso is voiced by John DiMaggio.

General Chapuza

General Chapuza is the grave soccer coach of the team, The Zombies, who only speaks with a deep sinister voice.

General Chapuza is voiced by John DiMaggio.

Django of the Dead

Django is the grandson of Sartana of the Dead. He has his own Mystic Guitar. Django of the Dead is voiced by Danny Cooksey

econdly Villains

* Dark Leopard: Manny's ancestor and the 1st Rivera supervillain, he operates a stone mech suit and judging by his appearance, was presumably born in the late Mayan (or Mesoamerica) period. It is unknown if he was the son of the original El Tigre or if it was many generations after El Tigre before other Riveras became super heroes/villains.

* The Mighty Cheetah: Grandpapi's grandfather, The Justice Jaguar's father, Rodolfo's great-grandfather, and Manny's great-great grandfather. He was a supervillain like his grandson who wore a more primitive steam powered robot suit. The suit was used by Grandpapi in Puma Licito to save Manny and Frida from El Oso, and to protect his super villain title. He appeared in The Grave Escape when Manny and Frida were transported to the Land of the Dead and he, along with Manny's other relatives, helped stop Sartana. He is known as the "Scourge of the Seven Seas" and speaks with a pirate accent.

* Comrade Chaos: A Russian retired supervillain who uses a special hammer and sickle as his weapons.

* El Tarántula: A Spanish tarantula-themed retired supervillain.

* Mano Negra: The preserved head of a Mexican retired supervillain who has a robot body with a super powerful metal fist. His name means "Black Hand" in Spanish.

* Calavera Banditos: Various criminals, evildoers and baddies who live in the rough-neck town of Calavera which means "Skull" in Spanish. There are some skeleton banditos who are Sartana of the Dead's minions.

*Titanium Titan: White Pantera's sidekick-turned supervillain who used to sees the companion of Rodolfo/White Panthera during his early days. The Titan tried to fight the alone, but failed, then left the City and went to the dark side. He has titanium arms that can transform into almost any thing, like hammers or drills. He wants revenge on Manny Rivera/El Tigre for his misfortune and wants to make it so that he and White Pantera are together again, In Teen Wolf his was plan disguise himself as Silver Wolf, a wolf-themed supervillain to make Frida hang out with him so Frida will Missed the concert tonight,well because his plan to get revenge on El Tigre for stealing White Pantera from Him by stealing Frida from El Tigre. Voiced by Rene Mujica.

* El Mal Verde: A large green villain with an iron mace-like right arm that no hero has ever defeated. Malverde is a very common Spanish surname, but the way it is pronounced sounds quite similar as the words "mal verde" which literally means "Green Evil". White Pantera fled from battle from him so his family wouldn't be alone. Years later, White Pantera managed to help El Tigre defeat him. In the special episode The Good, The Bad and the Tigre, El Malverde returns, but he's easily defeated this time. Voiced by Danny Trejo.

* Ninja Monster Clan: A clan of ninja monsters who are the old enemies of the Seventh Samurai.

* Monsterzuma: A monster that wears a diamond in his crown and goes on a rampage if his crown is stolen. Manny once did this to ruin the wedding of Puma Loco and Sartana of the Dead. Voiced by Clancy Brown.

* Cactus Kid: A small-time villain who wanted to make it big in Miracle City. He lived a sheltered life, where the town he lived in not only submitted to his villainy, they supported it completely. To make Manny jealous, Puma Loco takes him on as an apprentice. When the Cactus Kid finds this out, he unlocks the ability to control everything about cactuses, even turn them into his minions.

* Alebrije Monster: A giant round monster with tentacles for arms and long legs. An alebrije is a Mexico's traditional fantasy Chimera creature, created mixing parts of different animals.

* Giant Robot Sanchez: A giant robot cowboy.

* Dragon Worm: A wing and legless dragon who eats all ingredients. He was hit White Pantera then defeat by El Tigre as a last ingredient.

Minor characters

* Zebra Donkey: The beloved School zebra-striped donkey mascot of the Leone Elementary School. After Manny wins to the honor of taking care of his school's mascot, Zebra Donkey, over spring break, Manny has the time of his life with his new four-hoofed friend. Alas, it's too much of a good time for Zebra Donkey, Manny should care, but accidentally killed him in doing so eating bananas, Manny steals Sartana of the Dead's guitar to bring him back to life in time for the Zebra Donkey festival, but now he's pretty much a good-looking and friendly zebra donkey zombie. Zebra donkeys are famous attractions in Tijuana,he is a trained animal.

* Emiliano "Chief" Suarez: The tough chief of police for the Miracle City police department, Frida, Nikita and Anita's father. He is extremely distrustful of Manny, saying that Frida always gets hurt when she hangs around him.

* Carmela Suarez: A Miracle City judge, Emiliano's wife, Frida, Nikita and Anita's mother.

* Anita & Nikita Suarez: The 15-year-old twin police girls, and Frida's bratty sisters.

* Ms. Chichita: A little old lady, seen in episodes Enter the Cuervo, Night of the Living Guacamole, and Fool's Goal (if one looked closely).

* Señor Chapi: The Rivera family Yellow-billed Amazon parrot. A dirty and tired looking bird (with one leg), his dialogue is "Viva pantalones!", and his favorite food is earwax. His girlfriend (a green feather duster) was thrown out the window by Manny, but he got her back.

* Mrs. Lupita: Manny and Frida's favorite teacher in Leone Middle School. In the episode El Tigre, El Jefe, she punishes Aaron Mencia for not doing his homework in weeks. In the episode The Thing That Ate Frida´s Brain she asks Frida about her strange Jamaican hat.

* The Popular Girls: Three teenage girls that are admired for their beauty and popularity. Manny is often seen flirting with them. One is African American, another Asian and the other Mexican.

* Davi Roccoco/Albino Burritoflagicon|Mexico: A 9-year-old Mexican-American boy who made his first appearance in the episode The Curse of the Albino Burrito where he destroy a giant robot with invincible power of his piñata one of its powerful objects do what Manny cree do not serve but always have a devastating power (like what his dancing hat why Manny had to be his assistant one week). Voiced by Jessica Di Cicco

* Alberto: A kid with poor hygiene who smells.

* Goat: A goat seen around Leone Middle School.

* Raúl: Manny's mustache given to him by Dr. Chipotle Jr. because Manny wanted to be an adult. It was given to Manny using the power of his belt buckle. Raúl eventually left Manny's lip because they agreed that Manny wasn't ready for adulthood. As of "Miracle City Undercover," Raúl now works for Emiliano as an undercover cop.

* Flama Dama: A female superhero who is one of White Pantera's friends. She was among those that doubted that El Tigre had good in him until he saved the city from Sartana of the Dead.

* Iron Pinata: A male superhero who is one of White Pantera's friends. He was among those that doubted that El Tigre has good in him until he saved the city from Sartana of the Dead.

* Seventh Samurai flagicon|Japan: A father of Toshiro Mifune/Cyber Sumo, and a samurai-themed superhero from Shogun City where he eliminated all the bad guys from. He was an old superhero friend of Rodolfo Rivera/White Pantera. Voiced by George Takei.

* Toshiro/Cyber Sumo flagicon|Japan: The 10-year-old Japanese-American schoolboy and son of the Seventh Samurai. He will transform himself into a sumo-themed superhero Cyber Sumo. He visited Miracle City with his father. He was first nice, polite, and helpful, but later became brave enough to help fend off the Ninja Clan monsters.

* El Tigre I: The original El Tigre. He looked like Manny as a child and like Manny, couldn't decide whether to be a hero or a villain. The indecision drove him insane, causing him to develop a split personality. It is never revealed what time period he lived in. He possesses the same powers as Manny, as well as a few new ones, such as a super powerful roar and the ability to extend his claws to long lengths.

* Little Mule: (or donkey) Grandpapi Rivera's pet donkey who came along with Grandpapi when he moved in with Manny and Rodolfo. Little Mule is very good at balancing stuff on his ears like pots which was shown in Sole of a Hero but Manny and Frida weren't noticing. The Little Mule spends a lot of time doing donkey things and protective of Grandpapi as seen in Puma Licito when Manny and Frida tried to retrieve his hat while he was sleeping,Little Mule has a(sombrero-shaped)chew toy with photo picture of him,his parrot brother Señor Chapi,and the Riveras.

*Mayor Rodríguez: The mayor of Miracle City. The demonstrates advertising put first and foremost. He is known for being a bit rude.

*Principal Tornio: The friendly principal of the school that Manny and Frida serve. He is a good man and is friendly with students.

*Vice-Principal Chakal: The rude old vice-principal of the school that Manny and Frida serve. He is an evil man and shows that despises much to children and is willing to have an excuse to expel them for their continued detention and return to their tardiness.

*Dr. Eugene L. Butterman: A Veterinarian who first appeared in Zebra Donkey,In No Boots, No Belt No Brero he orders the Riveras to give up their mystical objects of power until they start acting like a family now learns if someone trieds to tell the Riveras to give up their mystical objects of power,makes the villains happy with no Riveras.

*Browsia: Raúl's girlfriend who is a Eyebrow but now she is Raúl's wife.

*Guacamole Monster: Dr. Chipotle Jr.'s Guacamole monster is actually the first character to have the El Tigre powers other then Manny. During the ending fight of episode Night of the Living Guacamole, In The Moustache Kid that other creatures are able to use his mystic belt buckle, giving it cat-like ears, white tufts of hair on the sides of its head, and claw gloves.

Unseen Characters

on of Sartana

Son of Sartana is a super evil half-skeleton half-cyborg robotic villain who was never appeared on-screen or has his name been revealed, had he left Miracle City because he tried to fight Riveras, but failed, then left the City and finding the way to take revenge on Riveras in some time before the start of the series. He can be considered a character because enough of his personality is known, he is Sartana of the Dead's son, Granpapi's half-son, White Pantera's half-brother, El Tigre's half-uncle and Django of the Dead's father

Dora Rivera

A police female is Grandpapi's wife, Rodolfo's Mother, and Manny's Grandmother who was never appeared on-screen but it's showed in Eye Caramba what she looks like, when she rode off with him that really caused Grandmami Aves to be heartbroken in the church altar.

Grandmami "The Blue Bandit" Suarez

Frida got her goggles from her Granmami "The Blue Bandit", a famous bi-plane bandida that stole from the rich and gave to the poor.She also got her natural blue hair from her.


Kumbala is Manny's cousin, who is a guitar themed hero.


Salma is Maria's sister who wears the other silver glove and is a villain named Plata Poderosa. She has a thing for Rodolfo.

Rock Monster

Giant rock who was never appeared on-screen. Unfortunately, he was deleted character who never made it in Sole of a Hero.


The Prince of Doom who was never appeared on-screen,he only appeared in El Tigre PS2 Game when Pumo Loco and White Pantera Pumo Loco were kidnapped by Mikla but El Tigre defeat him to save his family.

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  • List of Madagascar characters — This is a list of characters that have appeared in the Madagascar films and the television series The Penguins of Madagascar. Contents 1 Concept and creation 2 Main characters …   Wikipedia

  • El Tigre: The Adventures of Manny Rivera — Genre action comedy Format Flash animation Created by Sandra Equihua Jorge R. Gutierrez Written by Scott M. Gimple …   Wikipedia

  • List of Community characters — Community is an American comedy television series. It was created by Dan Harmon. The show revolves around the on campus exploits of seven students who are connected through their study group at Greendale Community College. The show features eight …   Wikipedia

  • List of Hispanic superheroes — Over the years the comic medium has delivered a diverse but stereotypical sampling of minority characters. This article attempts to provide a usable list of Hispanic or Latino superheroes. For a brief history of stereotypical depictions of… …   Wikipedia

  • List of fictional music groups — NOTOC Fictional groups that also existed See also External links 0 9* 16Buttons Of Justice Waterman * 4 Evah For Better or For Worse * 5 Neat Guys SCTV * 4 Skore King of the Hill * 2001: A New Wave Godessy Mr. ShowA* U Soul Music * Agar Saturday… …   Wikipedia

  • List of catgirls — This is a list of catgirls in fictional works. TOC Catgirls who always have real cat ears and a tail * Alia and Lotte Liese from Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A s * Bagi from Bagi, the Monster of Mighty Nature (1984) (half mountain lion, although… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Class of 3000 episodes and songs — Am I Blue redirects here. For the song, see Am I Blue?. The following is an episode list for the Cartoon Network animated series Class of 3000. It first aired on Friday, November 3, 2006 as a part of Fridays. Contents 1 Episodes 1.1 Season 1 2006 …   Wikipedia

  • List of The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius episodes — The following is a list of all The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius episodes. Contents 1 Series Overview 2 Season 0: 1998 3 Film: 2001 4 Season 1: 2002–2003 …   Wikipedia

  • The Ren & Stimpy Show — Title card Also known as Ren Stimpy Genre Black comedy …   Wikipedia

  • Making Fiends (TV series) — This article is about the TV series. For the web series, see Making Fiends (web cartoon). Making Fiends Genre Animation/Comedy/Thriller/Black humor/Comic science fiction Created by …   Wikipedia

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