- Ecumenical Apologetics
Ecumenical Apologetics is "an explanation (defense) of the Christian Faith, in an ecumenical fashion" [ [http://ecumenicalapologetics.com/articles/ecumenicalapologetics.html Ecumenical Apologetics ] ] ; presenting a defense of the faith while advocating and recognizing "a greater sense of shared spirituality" [
Ecumenism ] with those of other faiths.While neither
apologetics norecumenism is a new term, "Ecumenical Apologetics" came into use early in the 21st Century in an effort to combine the two, which were previously presumed to be opposing efforts or ideas [ [http://www.catholic.com/thisrock/2001/0103revw.asp An Answer for Those with Ears to Hear] , a review by Mark Brumley of Choosing a World-View and Value-System: An Ecumenical Apologetics] . Likewise, bothapologetics "and"ecumenism are terms used by people of varying faiths; however, at the time of this writing, the term is used primarily, if not exclusively, to refer to a form ofChristian Apologetics [ [http://www.google.com/search?source=ig&hl=en&rlz=&q=%22ecumenical+apologetics%22&btnG=Google+Search Google search results] ] [ [http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=%22ecumenical+apologetics%22&fr=yfp-t-501&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8 Yahoo search results] ] .Notable Related Books
* Fr. Benedict M. Ashley, "Choosing a World-View and Value-System: An Ecumenical Apologetics". Published by Alba House (May 2000).
* Konrad Raiser, "Ecumenism in Transition: A Paradigm Shift in the Ecumenical Movement". Published by World Council of Churches (October 1991).
* George E. Griener, "Ernst Troeltsch and Herman Schell: Christianity and the World Religions : An Ecumenical Contribution to the History of Apologetics". Published by Peter Lang Pub Inc. (June 1990).Notable Related Websites
* [http://www.ecumenicalapologetics.com Catholic Truths: Ecumenical Apologetics]
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