Bernat Joan i Marí

Bernat Joan i Marí

Bernat Joan i Marí (born on 22 February 1960 in Sant Jordi, Ibiza, Balearic Islands)is a Spanish politician and
Member of the European Parliament with the Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya,part of the European Free Alliance and sits onthe European Parliament's Committee on Culture and Education.

He is a substitute for the Committee on Development, a vice-chair of the Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly and a substitute for the Delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union (including Libya).


* Graduate in Catalan Philology
* Doctor in Catalan Philology
* Professor of Catalan Language and Literature
* Lecturer in the field of retraining at the Institute of Educational Science, University of the Balearic Islands
* Lecturer at the Universitat Catalana d'Estiu (Catalan Summer University)
* Member of the Social Council for the Catalan Language (Balearic Islands)
* Researcher in the field of sociolinguistics
* writer


* 1993-1996: Vice-president of the ERC National Council
* President of the ERC in the Balearic Islands
* Author of essays including 'Normalitat lingüística i llibertat nacional' (Linguistic normalcy and national liberty), 'Integració nacional i evolució electoral' (National integration and electoral evolution), and 'Una altra Europa és possible' (Another Europe is possible), as well as novels and theatrical works.

"See also:" European Parliament election, 2004 (Spain)


In December 2006, he contributed to the Flemish Secession hoax, by giving an interview in which he congratulated Flemings for their (purposed) independence.

External links

* [ Bernat Joan i Marí] on the Catalan authors website

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