

The Egyptian city of Esna ( _ar. إسنا), known to the ancient Egyptians as Egyptian: Iunyt or Ta-senet; Greek: polytonic|Λατόπολις (Latopolis) [Strabo xvii. pp. 812, 817] or polytonic|πόλις Λάτων (Polis Laton) [Ptol. iv. 5. § 71] or polytonic|Λάττων (Laton) [Hierocl. p. 732] [Itin. Antonin. p. 160] ; Latin: Lato, is located on the west bank of the River Nile, some 55 km south of Luxor, in the modern Qena Governorate.

The ancient city

The name "Latopolis" is in honor of the Nile perch, "Lates niloticus", the largest of the 52 species which inhabit the Nile [Russegger, "Reisen", vol. I. p.300] , which was abundant in these stretches of the river in ancient times, and which appears in sculptures, among the symbols of the goddess Neith, associated by the ancient Greeks as Pallas-Athene, surrounded by the oval shield or ring indicative of royalty or divinity. [Wilkinson, M. and C. vol. V. p.253] Held sacred, the "Lates niloticus" was buried in a cemetery west of the town.

The tutelary deities of Latopolis seem to have been the triad – Khnum and Neith, and Hak their offspring. The temple of Esna, dedicated to this triad, was remarkable for the beauty of its site and the magnificence of its architecture. It was built of red sandstone, and its portico consisted of six rows of four columns each, with lotus-leaf capitals, all of which however differ from each other. [Dominique-Vivant Denon, "Voyage dans la Basse et lau Haute Égypte", vol. I. (1818), p.148.]

Another temple of the same period has been identified at Kom Mer, about 12 km to the south, but cannot be excavated because a modern village is built over it.

There was a smaller temple, dedicated to the triad of Latopolis, about two miles and a half north of the city, at a village now called el-Dayr. Here, too, is a small Zodiac of the age of Ptolemy III Euergetes (246-221 BC). This latter building has been destroyed in the 19th century, as it stood in the way of a new canal. The temple of Esna has been cleared of the soil and rubbish which filled its area when Denon visited it, and served as a cotton warehouse in the mid-19th century. [Karl Richard Lepsius, "Nubische Grammatik mit einer Einleitung über die Völker und Sprachen Afrika's. Berlin: Verlag von Wilhelm Hertz" (1880), p.63]

With the exception of the jamb of a gateway – now converted into a door-sill – of the reign of Thutmose II (Eighteenth Dynasty), the remains of Latopolis belong to the Ptolemaic or Roman eras. Ptolemy III Euergetes, the restorer of so many temples in Upper Egypt, was a benefactor to Latopolis, and he is depicted upon the walls of its temple followed by a tame lion, and in the act of striking down the chiefs of his enemies. The name of Ptolemy V Epiphanes is found also inscribed upon a doorway. Although the scale of the ruins are impressive, their sculptures and hieroglyphics attest to the decline of Egyptian art. The west wall features reliefs of Ptolemy VI Philometor and Ptolemy VIII Physcon. The pronaos, which alone exists, resembles in style that of Apollonopolis Magna (Edfu), and was begun not earlier than the reign of Claudius (41-54 AD), and completed in that of Vespasian, whose name and titles are carved on the dedicatory inscription over the entrance. On the ceiling of the pronaos is the larger Latopolitan Zodiac. The name of the emperor Geta, the last ruler that can be read in hieroglyphics, although partially erased by his brother and murderer Caracalla (212), is still legible on the walls of Latopolis. Before raising their own edifice, the Romans seem to have destroyed even the basements of the earlier Egyptian temple. The ceremonial way, which probably linked the quay to the temple, has disappeared. The quay bears cartouches of Marcus Aurelius.

The cemetery west of the town, where the "Lates niloticus" was buried, also contains human burials dating of the Middle Kingdom to the Late Period.

Ritual Significance

The Temple of Esna conveys a sense of the importance which the Ancient Egyptians placed upon their places of worship. All Egyptians who entered the confines of an Egyptian temple were required "to comply with the strict rules regarding ritual purity." [Lucia Gahlin, Egypt: Gods, Myths and Religion, Anness Publishing Litd (Lorenz Books) 2001. p.106] According to inscriptions carved on the walls of the Temple of Esna, those who entered this temple were expected to fastidiously cut their fingernails and toenails, remove other body hair, wash their hands with natron (a natural occuring salt), "be dressed in linen (they were forbidden from wearing wool), and not to have had sexual intercourse for several days." [Gahlin, op. cit., p.106]

Modern Esna

Two barrage bridges straddle the Nile at this point: one built by the British in 1906, and the "Electricity Bridge" built in the 1990s. Navigation, particularly, Nile cruisers ferrying tourists from Luxor to Aswan 155 km further upstream, can be held up for hours while vessels negotiate their way through the lock system.

The two main points of interest in Esna are its lively tourist-oriented market, which fills a couple of streets leading inland from the corniche. The other is the temple of Esna. The temple, which has only been partially excavated, is about 200 meters from the river and some 9 meters below street level.



External links

* [ Gallery of temple reliefs]
* Falling Rain Genomics, Inc. [ Geographical information on Esna]
* [ The temple of Khnum (Esna)]

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