DARC (gene)

DARC (gene)

Duffy blood group, chemokine receptor (DARC), also known as CD234 (Cluster of Differentiation 234), is a human gene.cite web | title = Entrez Gene: DARC Duffy blood group, chemokine receptor| url = http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=gene&Cmd=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch=2532| accessdate = ]

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ee also

* Cluster of differentiation


Further reading

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*cite journal | author=Pogo AO, Chaudhuri A |title=Duffy and receptors for P. vivax and chemotactic peptides. |journal=Transfusion clinique et biologique : journal de la Société française de transfusion sanguine |volume=2 |issue= 4 |pages= 269–76 |year= 1996 |pmid= 8542025 |doi=
*cite journal | author=Pruenster M, Rot A |title=Throwing light on DARC. |journal=Biochem. Soc. Trans. |volume=34 |issue= Pt 6 |pages= 1005–8 |year= 2007 |pmid= 17073738 |doi= 10.1042/BST0341005
*cite journal | author=Raeymaekers P, Van Broeckhoven C, Backhovens H, "et al." |title=The Duffy blood group is linked to the alpha-spectrin locus in a large pedigree with autosomal dominant inheritance of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1. |journal=Hum. Genet. |volume=78 |issue= 1 |pages= 76–8 |year= 1988 |pmid= 2892777 |doi=
*cite journal | author=Lu ZH, Wang ZX, Horuk R, "et al." |title=The promiscuous chemokine binding profile of the Duffy antigen/receptor for chemokines is primarily localized to sequences in the amino-terminal domain. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=270 |issue= 44 |pages= 26239–45 |year= 1995 |pmid= 7592830 |doi=
*cite journal | author=Tournamille C, Colin Y, Cartron JP, Le Van Kim C |title=Disruption of a GATA motif in the Duffy gene promoter abolishes erythroid gene expression in Duffy-negative individuals. |journal=Nat. Genet. |volume=10 |issue= 2 |pages= 224–8 |year= 1995 |pmid= 7663520 |doi= 10.1038/ng0695-224
*cite journal | author=Horuk R, Chitnis CE, Darbonne WC, "et al." |title=A receptor for the malarial parasite Plasmodium vivax: the erythrocyte chemokine receptor. |journal=Science |volume=261 |issue= 5125 |pages= 1182–4 |year= 1993 |pmid= 7689250 |doi=
*cite journal | author=Tournamille C, Le Van Kim C, Gane P, "et al." |title=Molecular basis and PCR-DNA typing of the Fya/fyb blood group polymorphism. |journal=Hum. Genet. |volume=95 |issue= 4 |pages= 407–10 |year= 1995 |pmid= 7705836 |doi=
*cite journal | author=Iwamoto S, Omi T, Kajii E, Ikemoto S |title=Genomic organization of the glycoprotein D gene: Duffy blood group Fya/Fyb alloantigen system is associated with a polymorphism at the 44-amino acid residue. |journal=Blood |volume=85 |issue= 3 |pages= 622–6 |year= 1995 |pmid= 7833467 |doi=
*cite journal | author=Chaudhuri A, Polyakova J, Zbrzezna V, "et al." |title=Cloning of glycoprotein D cDNA, which encodes the major subunit of the Duffy blood group system and the receptor for the Plasmodium vivax malaria parasite. |journal=Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. |volume=90 |issue= 22 |pages= 10793–7 |year= 1993 |pmid= 8248172 |doi=
*cite journal | author=Horuk R, Martin AW, Wang Z, "et al." |title=Expression of chemokine receptors by subsets of neurons in the central nervous system. |journal=J. Immunol. |volume=158 |issue= 6 |pages= 2882–90 |year= 1997 |pmid= 9058825 |doi=
*cite journal | author=Tournamille C, Le Van Kim C, Gane P, "et al." |title=Close association of the first and fourth extracellular domains of the Duffy antigen/receptor for chemokines by a disulfide bond is required for ligand binding. |journal=J. Biol. Chem. |volume=272 |issue= 26 |pages= 16274–80 |year= 1997 |pmid= 9195930 |doi=
*cite journal | author=Tournamille C, Le Van Kim C, Gane P, "et al." |title=Arg89Cys substitution results in very low membrane expression of the Duffy antigen/receptor for chemokines in Fy(x) individuals. |journal=Blood |volume=92 |issue= 6 |pages= 2147–56 |year= 1998 |pmid= 9731074 |doi=
*cite journal | author=Parasol N, Reid M, Rios M, "et al." |title=A novel mutation in the coding sequence of the FY*B allele of the Duffy chemokine receptor gene is associated with an altered erythrocyte phenotype. |journal=Blood |volume=92 |issue= 7 |pages= 2237–43 |year= 1998 |pmid= 9746760 |doi=
*cite journal | author=Olsson ML, Smythe JS, Hansson C, "et al." |title=The Fy(x) phenotype is associated with a missense mutation in the Fy(b) allele predicting Arg89Cys in the Duffy glycoprotein. |journal=Br. J. Haematol. |volume=103 |issue= 4 |pages= 1184–91 |year= 1999 |pmid= 9886340 |doi=
*cite journal | author=Lachgar A, Jaureguiberry G, Le Buenac H, "et al." |title=Binding of HIV-1 to RBCs involves the Duffy antigen receptors for chemokines (DARC). |journal=Biomed. Pharmacother. |volume=52 |issue= 10 |pages= 436–9 |year= 1999 |pmid= 9921412 |doi=
*cite journal | author=Zimmerman PA, Woolley I, Masinde GL, "et al." |title=Emergence of FY*A(null) in a Plasmodium vivax-endemic region of Papua New Guinea. |journal=Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. |volume=96 |issue= 24 |pages= 13973–7 |year= 2000 |pmid= 10570183 |doi=
*cite journal | author=Woolley IJ, Kalayjian R, Valdez H, "et al." |title=HIV nephropathy and the Duffy antigen/receptor for Chemokines in African Americans. |journal=J. Nephrol. |volume=14 |issue= 5 |pages= 384–7 |year= 2002 |pmid= 11730271 |doi=
*cite journal | author=Hamblin MT, Thompson EE, Di Rienzo A |title=Complex signatures of natural selection at the Duffy blood group locus. |journal=Am. J. Hum. Genet. |volume=70 |issue= 2 |pages= 369–83 |year= 2002 |pmid= 11753822 |doi=
*cite journal | author=Patterson AM, Siddall H, Chamberlain G, "et al." |title=Expression of the duffy antigen/receptor for chemokines (DARC) by the inflamed synovial endothelium. |journal=J. Pathol. |volume=197 |issue= 1 |pages= 108–16 |year= 2002 |pmid= 12081195 |doi= 10.1002/path.1100

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