- Wesley Mission
Wesley Mission is a name used by several Uniting Church congregations which are a part the
Uniting Missions Network ofUnitingCare Australia . Wesley Missions grew out of the inner city missions of the pre-unionMethodist Church of Australasia . These were "Central Missions" and are not to be confused with the "City Missions", which were part of what is nowMission Australia .Wesley Mission Sydney
Wesley Mission
Sydney is the largest Wesley Mission. Prior to union it was known at the Central Methodist Mission. the mission headquarters are in Pitt Street right at the heart of the CBD of Sydney.The
Wesley Institute is the educational arm of the Mission.It was previously headed by the Reverend Dr Sir Alan Walker, an international evangelist and founder of
Lifeline .Today the work has grown to such an extent that is probably the largest City Church of its kind in the World.After a worldwide search Rev Dr.
Keith Garner was brought from the Uk to replace Rev. The Hon. Dr.Gordon Moyes as Superintendent of Wesley Mission on the 5th Feb 2006. He became the 9th Superintendent in the Mission's 193 year history. Dr. Garner is known for inspirational preaching and leadership skills.As well as being Superintendent and CEO - he preaches each Sunday evening in the Wesley Theatre 6pm.His sermons are broadcast on TV and he hosts a weekly TV program on Channel 9.Wesley Mission operates out of over 200 centres and employs over 3000 staff with a budget of $160 million.
It owns and runs the old Bourke St.
Methodist Church in its current form, a crisis accommodation service calledEdward Eagar Lodge.[http://www.wesley.org.au Wesley Mission Melbourne]
[http://www.wesley.org.au Wesley Mission Melbourne] works alongside those who are most disadvantaged, inspiring them to live their lives to the fullest as valued members of the community. Wesley Mission Melbourne is the organisation behind some of Melbourne's best known and most valued community services, including the [http://www.wesley.org.au/programs/lifeline.html Lifeline Melbourne] telephone counselling service and the [http://www.wesley.org.au/programs/docare.html Wesley Do Care] social support service for isolated frail aged people and adults with a disability.
Wesley Mission Melbourne assists children and young people, people in crisis, people experiencing homelessness, older people, people with disabilities, and people with Huntington's Disease.
The Mission was established in 1893 on the same site it occupies today next to the Wesley Church in Lonsdale Street. At that time, the area was known as the 'back slums' of Melbourne and was notorious for opium dens, gambling houses and places of ill-repute.
[http://www.wesley.org.au/ Wesley Mission Melbourne's] heritage is founded on the response of Wesleyan Methodists in Victoria to the severe economic depression and associated inner city poverty of the early 1890s.
Today the Mission employs over 700 staff and receives the support of over 2,000 volunteers who help to deliver 57 services across metropolitan Melbourne. In 2006-2007, the Mission had an operating budget of over $38 million. Approximately 73% of revenue was government funding. The remainder was raised through fees for service, fundraising and commercial activities.
External links
* [http://www.wesleymission.org.au Wesley Mission Sydney]
* [http://www.wesley.org.au Wesley Mission Melbourne]
* [http://www.wmb.org.au Wesley Mission Brisbane]
* [http://www.uca.org.au Uniting Church in Australia]
* [http://www.ucwesleyadelaide.org.au Uniting Care Wesley Adelaide]
* [http://www.missions.unitingcare.org.au/ Uniting Missions Network]
* [http://www.lifeline.org.au Lifeline Australia]
* [http://www.wesleymission.org.au/centres/homeless/eelodge.asp Edward Eagar Lodge]
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