- Animal Kwackers
"Animal Kwackers" was a children's television series produced by
Yorkshire Television and broadcast on ITV. The Animal Kwackers were a four piece pop band consisting of Rory, a lion; Twang, a monkey; Bongo, a dog; and Boots, a tiger. The characters were played by actors in costumes. The show was similar in many ways to the successful United States of America (US) series, "Banana Splits ". The music was a mixture of well-known pop songs and original songs - most of which (including the theme song) were written by Roy Apps and the producer Peter Eden.Cast For Original first two series
* Rory, on guitar - Roy Apps
* Twang, on Bass - Nick Pallett
* Bongo, on drums - Geoff Nicholls and (2nd series) Peter Eden
* Boots, on guitar - Tony HannafordCast for third series onwards
* Rory, on guitar -
Bev Doyle
* Twang, on bass -Step Morley
* Bongo, on drums -Atalanta Harmsworth
* Boots, on guitar -John Basset External links
* [http://www.nostalgiacentral.com/tv/kids/animalkwackers.htm Nostalgia Central: "Animal Kwackers"]
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