Eriogonum incanum

Eriogonum incanum

name = "Eriogonum incanum"

image_width = 260px
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Caryophyllales
familia = Polygonaceae
genus = "Eriogonum"
species = "E. incanum"
binomial = "Eriogonum incanum"
binomial_authority = Torr. & Gray

"Eriogonum incanum" is a species of wild buckwheat known by the common name frosted buckwheat. It is native to the Sierra Nevada of California and parts of western Nevada. [ [ Flora of North America Profile] ] It is also known from Oregon. [ [,5994,6081 Jepson Manual Treatment] ] This is a dioecious perennial herb which forms mats up to 20 centimeters tall and 30 wide, sometimes quite a bit smaller. It has clusters of woolly, petioled leaves one to two centimeters long which form a gray-green or yellowish layer on the sandy soil or among rocks. The plant bears dense, rounded clusters of flowers, sometimes on erect stalks, which are yellow, red, or both. Male plants produce staminate flowers 2 or 3 millimeters wide and female plants produce slightly larger pistillate flowers.


External links

* [ USDA Plants Profile]
* [ Photo gallery]

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