

Rosyara( nepali: रोस्यारा) is a western Nepalese Bhramin surname. There very few people with this surname as this surname was derieved from other common surname. There total number is expected to be around 1000. The "Gotra" of Rosyara is "Atraya" which is common in other brahmins like Poudel Sigdel, Aryal, Bagale Thapa, and Bhatta.


Rosyara was derived from the word "Rosaya (in Nepali: रोस्य )" meaning "Kitchen". There is general cultural belief that the higher caste do not take food from lower caste people. So serving should be done by higher caste people in large rituals to a large number of people. So the caste is most likely derieved from people serving food in rituals.


They have been residing in village called Chhoya (in Nepali: छोया) from before 14th century. From where they were migrated is still unknown however could possibly from India. Historically they were royal prists of Doti district. The Bhatu Rosyara was one of ancestors who have very big house, horse and large number of "Jajman". Religious clients are known as “Jajman”. The Chhoya was gift of King of Doti (Regmi Research report). The inscribed in stone says that -

""Chaitra Badi 7, 1887 (44/221-22)

Royal order to Naran Rosyara: "Formerly, the village of Chhoyagaun in the Dankot garkha of Doti had been granted to your ancestors by the King of Doti through a copper plate inscription. The lands were suvdivided in your family, and the prescribed pota tax was duly paid. Subsequently, Jyami Rosyara and Hiruwa Rosyara died without leaving any heirs behond, and a dispute arose among the other brothers about their share of the lands. It was eventually decided that you should cultivate the lands by retation. In the year 1882 Vikrama, the lands were registered in the course of a revenue settlement in the name of Naran Rosyara. We hereby issue this order under the royal seal reconfirming the lands in your name. pay the prescribed taxes through the appropriate jimmawal and mukhiya and use the lands as your property (bepoti).""

Doti district was historically a separate country ruled by Shah family. Rosyara are pandit of Shah family. The Shah family of Doti district is different that the current King of Nepal. Doti was independent after 1376 extended from Kali Kumaon in west to Karnali in the east, Thakurji in the North and the terai in South. In 1797 V.S. Mandhata Shah reestablished Doti as independent state and Shah were ruling. Deep Shahi ruled Doti when the Nepalese troops attacked. His copper plate says that up to 1780 AD (Baishakh, 5,1847 VS) proved that he was not conquered till that date. Amar Singh Thapa succeeded to defeated the King of Doti in two battles at Dumrakot and Narimghat. Thus the Bhadur shah did victory over the Doteli king, still the King remained someway admistrative unit of the district as minor ruler (Rajaouta). This shows that Rosyara were already in the place at this time.

Ancestorial occupation and cultural traditions

Rosyara ancestors were royal prists ("Pandit" in Nepali). Tika Dutta and Jaya Raj was famous prists. The "Kuldebata" (family goddess) of the family is "Panere" and "Banthadi". They are still preying these goddess each year. Beside they also prey for "Pitarni Jeu" (ancestor god) every year. "Pitarni Jeu" was supposed to protect from evil in past from Golkoti Balayar rajouta. "Pitarni jeu" was said to sucided praying bad of Golkoti Balayar. Later the Golmakoti balayar had not descendent.

Ancestors and Pedigree

The following are name of ancestors based on order (first born) 1. Arjun Rosyara (Born around 1709 V.S.) 2. Nana Rosyara 3. Lachhiman Rosyara 4. Narayan Rosyara 5. Sivdutta Rosyara 6. Gopal Rosyara - Hari Krishna Rosyara - Kam Dev Rosyara 7. Tika Dutta Rosyara (1941-2026 B. S.) - Dev Dutta Rosyara 8. Jaya Raj Rosyara - Nil Kantha - Khagendra- Lok Raj - Umakanta

Some of Current Descedents

1. Megh Raj Rosyara2. Chet Raj Rosyara3. [ Umesh Raj Rosyara] 4. Khem Raj Rosyara5. Khagendra Rosyara6. Madhav Rosyara7. Arun Prashad Rosyara8. Chitra Raj Rosyara9. Durga Prasad Rosyara10. Basant Rosyara11. Govinda Rosyara12. Hem Raj Rosyara (nick name: Hemant Bibas)


1. [ Regmi Research Report]

2. Bahadur Shah: Reagent of Nepal- History Book By Bhadra Ratna Bajracharya, Published 1992Anmol Publications PVT. LTD., Kathmandu, Nepal3. [ Umesh Raj Rosyara's web page] 4. [ Pedigree of Rosyara Family]

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