Luigi Ballerini

Luigi Ballerini

Luigi Ballerini, born in Milan in 1940, currently living in New York and Los Angeles, is an Italian poet, professor of modern and contemporary Italian Literature at UCLA and a historian of gastronomy. He is the father of Edoardo Ballerini.

His works of poetry were issued under the following titles:
*"eccetera. E" (Guanda, 1972)
*"Che figurato muore" (Scheiwiller, 1988)
*"Che oror l'orient" (Lubrina, 1991)
*"Il terzo gode" (Marsilio, 1994)
*"Stracci shakespeariani" (Quasar 1996)
*"Uscita senza strada" (Edizioni della Battaglia, 2000)
*"Uno monta la luna" (Manni, 2001).
*"Cefalonia 43 e altre poesie" (Mondadori, 2005).

He has published several anthologies of American and Italian Poetry. "La rosa disabitata" in 1981, "Shearsmen of Sorts" in 1992 and "The Promised Land" in 1999. In this same year, he also published the anthology of Gertrude Stein under the title "La sacra Emilia e altre poesie".

He also translated into Italian the works of Henry James, Herman Melville, William Carlos Williams, James Baldwin and Kurt Vonnegut. He is also known as a cooking historian. He edited Pellegrino Artusi's "Science in the Kitchen and the Art of Eating Well" and Maestro Martino's "The Book of the Culinary Art".

In 1992 he was awarded the Feronia Prize for Poetry.

See also: [ Luigi Ballerini] - the biography at the web site of his UCLA department.

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