- Jatoi Tehsil
Infobox Tehsil Pakistan
official_name= Jatoi
province= Punjab
district= Muzaffargarh
census_year= 1998
towns= 1
uc= 16
nazim= Adnan Hameed
naib nazim = Husnain Khan Juglani
map_size =
map_text =Location withinPakistan Jatoi is a
tehsil , an administrative subdivision, ofMuzaffargarh District in the Punjab province ofPakistan , it is administratively subdivided into 16 Union Councils [ [http://www.nrb.gov.pk/lg_election/union.asp?district=22&dn=Muzaffargarh Tehsils & Unions in the District of Muzaffargarh] ] . The main language spoken there is Saraiki.Politics
The main Democratic Party Leaders: Sardar Abdul Qayyum Khan and sardar Moazam Ali Khan represents the
Pakistan Peoples Party [ [http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=story_4-10-2002_pg7_9 ELECTIONS 2002 - The daily times] ] . The tehsilnazim , (Mayor), is Miss Maria batol [ [http://www.nrb.gov.pk/lg_election/lge_11.asp Local Government Elections 2005: Women Nazims and Naib Nazims (as of January 2006) - Government of Pakistan] ]Education
*1 college up to bachelor degrees for boys
*1 high school for boys
*1 high school for girls
*1 Technical college
*Many private educational schoolsHospital
*1 T.H.Q hospital and M.S of THQ jatoi is Dr. Abdul Aziz khan Laskani
*There are some other private hosiptals and among them Arshad Clinic, Ali clinic,and Alshafi clinic are famous one.References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.