Manuel Corral

Manuel Corral
Manuel Alonzo Corral
Pope Peter II
Church Palmarian Catholic Church
Papacy began 22 March 2005
Papacy ended 15 July 2011
(&100000000000000060000006 years, &10000000000000115000000115 days)
Predecessor Pope Gregory XVII
Successor Pope Gregory XVIII
Opposed to Pope John Paul II
Pope Benedict XVI
Personal details
Birth name Manuel Alonzo Corral

Manuel Alonso Corral, known by his supporters as Pope Peter II (193415 July 2011) was the leader of the Palmarian Catholic Church. He died on 15th July 2011. Corral succeeded Clemente Domínguez y Gómez (Palmarian Pope Gregory XVII) in 2005. Domínguez founded the Palmarian group in 1975, initially under the guise of being a newly formed conservative Roman Catholic Order of Carmelites (Carmelite Order of the Holy Face), but later claimed that Jesus Christ created him pope in 1978 in a mystical vision. Corral is succeeded by his secretary of state Sergio Maria (civil name unknown presently) who has taken the name Gregory XVIII. Gregory XVIII was elected on the 16th of July 2011 in El Palmar de Troya.

Corral was previously a skilled, affluent lawyer, but when Clemente Domínguez claimed he received heavenly visions, Corral left his legal practice to join Domínguez in founding the Carmelite Order of the Holy Face, which became known as the Holy, Apostolic, Catholic and Palmarian Church in 1978. Corral was ordained priest and bishop by Roman Catholic Archbishop Pierre Martin Ngô Ðình Thục in 1976 along with Domínguez and three others (these three others had already been Roman Catholic priests for many years). Archbishop Thuc and the five new bishops were excommunicated by Paul VI for consecrating bishops without the Vatican's approval. Thuc recanted and repudiated his consecrations for the Palmar-based Carmelite Order of the Holy Face. He asked Pope Paul VI to be forgiven and was absolved of all ecclesial penalties in 1976, until 1981 when he was again excommunicated by Pope John Paul II for illicit consecrations.

Clemente Domínguez in 1978 however named Corral Cardinal Secretary of State of their church and later named him his successor. His being appointed, as opposed being elected by the Palmarian College of Cardinals seems to have alienated some members enough to create a rift in the group, [1] although alleged sexual activities of Domínguez may also have played a role. Upon Domínguez's death in 2005, Corral succeeded him as Pope Peter II. Gregory XVII and Peter II are, of course, not recognized as popes by the Roman Catholic Church, and are considered antipopes.

See also

Episcopal lineage
Consecrated by: Peter Martin Ngo Dinh Thuc
Religious titles
Preceded by
Clemente Domínguez y Gómez
Pope Gregory XVII
Palmarian Pope
Succeeded by
Sergio María
Pope Gregory XVIII

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