- Tohil Mons
Tohil Mons is a
mountain on the moon of Io, one ofJupiter 's moons. It stands at 5400 m (18,000 feet) and is located in the Culann–Tohil region of Io's antijovian hemisphere.It was named after theMayan weather godTohil .Geologically Tohil Mons is considered by NASA scientists to be one of the most geologically complex mountains in the
Solar System as the mountain shows evidence of forming from other mountains through tectonic and erosional processes, in combination with silicate volcanic rock ormagma activity [ [http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/scitech/display.cfm?ST_ID=1469 R. R. Wilson and P. M. Schenk: "From Tohil to Inachus: An Ionian Topography Progress report. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIII" (2002)
RetrievedJanuary 19 2008 fromNASA ] ] .The main
massif of Tohil Mons is characterized by ridges and grooves, which indicate materials are present which have been tectonically displaced. This includes younger mottled crustal materials that were also displaced during mass wasting processes.The area between the mountain and the nearby volcanoes, Radegast Patera and Tohil Patera contain a noticeable number of dark and white silicate flows, which are understood to be
lava ponds or small lava lakes.Topographical studies of the terrain indicate that there is less than 1 km of relief in the Culann–Tohil region and that there is no discernible correlation between centers of active volcanism and topography [ [http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6WGF-4B427NK-3&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=19385f956994b42fccb4e300eddddf1d Icarus Volume 169, Issue 1: "Mapping of the Culann–Tohil region of Io from Galileo imaging data", May 2004, Pages 80-97
RetrievedJanuary 19 2008 ] ] .References
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