Listeriosis in animals

Listeriosis in animals

Listeriosis is far a more common pathological condition in domestics animals (domestic mammals and poultry), especially ruminants, than in human beings. But it can also occur in feral animals, among others, game animals as well as in poultry and other birds.

It is an infectious, but not contagious disease. This, because the causative bacteria, "Listeria monocytogenes", lives in the soil and in the poorly made silages. Indeed, in a 30-year observation period of sheep disease in Morocco, the disease only appeared in the late 2000s when feeding bag-ensiled corn became common. [Lucien Mahin, Observations on diseases of sheep in Morocco, 1977-2007, unpublished data.] Moreover, in Iceland, the disease is called "silage sickness". [Merck Veterinary Manual, ed. 1967, p. 419.]

The disease is usually sporadic, but can cause farm outbreaks in ruminants.

Three main forms are usually recognized throughout the affected species:
* encephalitis, the most common form in ruminants.
* late abortion.
* gastro-intestinal septicemia with liver damage, in monogastric species, as well as preruminant calves ans lambs. [Roger W. Blowey & A. David Weaver, Color Atlas of Diseases and Disorders of Cattle, Elsevier, Oxford, ISBN 0-7234-3205-8.]

It can rarely be cured with antibiotics (tetracyclins, cloremphenicol) when diagnosed early (for example in goat by the owner on first disease expression in the face). [Pierre Gatet, veterinary practitionner at Lussac-les-Eglises, France, personnal communication, 1975.] ), but is generally fatal.

Listeriosis in sheep

In sheep, the disease is also called "circling disease" [Rue Jensen & Brinton L. Swift, Deseases of sheep, Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia ISBN 0-8121-0836-1, p. 159.] the most obvious signs for the veterinarians are nervous symptoms, especially lateral deviation of the neck and head.

External links

* [ Listeriosis in Cattle]
* [ Description of the disease in the Merck Veterinary Manual]


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