- Association of the Dead
The Association of the Dead ("Uttar Pradesh Mritak Sangh") is a northern
India npressure group that seeks to reclaim the legal rights of those falsely listed by the government as being dead.In the overcrowded regions of
Uttar Pradesh , many have resorted to bribing officials to have the owner of a plot declared deceased and the land transferred to their ownership. The process to undo this is long, arduous, as well as often hopelessly inefficient and corrupt — not to mention that those least able to fight back make excellent victims. The Association seeks to reverse the declarations, call attention to the problem and prevent others from being exploited in similar fashion.The founder and president is
Lal Bihari , who was "dead" from 1976 to 1994 and used the word "Mritak " (Dead) in his name during the period.External links
*"‘Dead’ to Come Alive Against Vajpayee."
The Tribune Printed 23 July 2003. Accessed 15 Feb. 2008 [http://www.tribuneindia.com/2003/images/nation.htm#9] .
*Fathers, Michael. "Plight of the Living Dead."Time Magazine , VOL. 154 NO. 2 Printed 19 July 1999. Accessed 15 Feb. 2008 [http://www.time.com/time/asia/asia/magazine/1999/990719/souls1.html] .
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