Scapholunate ligament

Scapholunate ligament

Infobox Ligament
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From = scaphoid
To = lunate
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The scapholunate ligament is a ligament of the wrist.

The scapholunate ligament is an intraarticular ligament binding the scaphoid and lunate bones of the wrist together. It is divided into three areas, dorsal, proximal and palmar, with the dorsal segment being the strongest part. [Berger, R.A.; Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2001 Feb;(383):32-40. Review.] It is the main stabilizer of the scaphoid. In contrast to the scapholunate ligament, the lunotriquetral ligament is more prominent on the palmar side.

Clinical significance

Rupture of the scapholunate ligament may occur when the wrist is forcefully loaded in a position of dorsiflexion, such as occurs in a fall on an outstretched hand. Loss of this connection between the scaphoid and lunate bones may permit abnormal motion of the small carpal bones of the wrist which may, over time, collapse and cause premature wear of the joint cartilage and arthritis. This occurs in a predictable pattern, affecting first the radial styloid, then the joint between the radius and the scaphoid and finally, the joint between the capitate and lunate bones. [Watson HK, Ballet The SLAC wrist: scapholunate advanced collapse pattern of degenerative arthritis.J Hand Surg [Am] . 1984 May;9(3):358-65]

ee also

* Watson's test
* Brunelli procedure
* American Society for Surgery of the Hand


External links


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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