Hierocles — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Hierocles (finales del siglo II 222) fue el amante favorito del emperador romano Heliogábalo. Provenía de Caria y en algún momento fue esclavizado y se convirtió en auriga al servicio de Heliogábalo. Heliogábalo… … Wikipedia Español
HIEROCLES — I. HIEROCLES Grammaticus, edidit notitiam Imper. CP. cuius adhuc maxima pars superest. Ceterum de variis huiusce nominis hominibus videndus Vit Doctissimus Ioh. Pearsonus in Proleg. ad Hicroclem de Provid et Fato Gesner. Bibl. Voss. de Hist.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Hiéroclès — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Hiéroclès est un nom d origine grecque qui peut désigner : Hiéroclès, philosophe stoïcien d Alexandrie (IIe siècle). Sossianos Hiéroclès,… … Wikipédia en Français
Hierocles — Hierokles ist ein antiker griechischer Name, den folgende Personen trugen: Hierokles von Alexandria (Neuplatoniker), ein Philosoph des 5. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. Hierokles von Alexandria (Stoiker), ein Philosoph des 2. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. Hierocles … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hierocles of Alexandria — was a Greek Neoplatonist writer who was active around AD 430.He studied under Plutarch (the Neoplatonist) at Athens in the early 5th century, and taught for some years in his native city. He seems to have been banished from Alexandria and to have … Wikipedia
Hierocles (charioteer) — Hierocles (late 2nd century 222) was a favorite and lover of the Roman emperor Elagabalus. He was from Caria and was at some point enslaved and became a charioteer in the service of Elagabalus. Elagabalus considered the blond [http://books.google … Wikipedia
Hierocles (author of Synecdemus) — Hierocles or Hierokles (in Greek Ιεροκλής) was a Byzantine geographer of the sixth century and the attributed author of the Synecdemus or Synekdemos , which contains a table of administrative divisions of the Byzantine Empire and lists of the… … Wikipedia
Hierocles (Stoic) — Hierocles, ( el. Ίεροκλῆς), a Stoic philosopher, who lived in the 2nd century AD. Nothing is known about his life. Aulus Gellius mentions him as one of his contemporaries, and describes him as a grave and holy man . [Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights … Wikipedia
Hierocles (Wagenlenker) — Hierocles († 222 in Rom) war ein Sklave und Geliebter des römischen Kaisers Elagabal. Er stammte aus Karien und erregte als Wagenlenker im Circus Maximus die Aufmerksamkeit des Kaisers. Nach Cassius Dio wollte Elagabal den Hierocles zum Caesar… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hierocles (proconsul) — Hierocles, proconsul of Bithynia and Alexandria, lived during the reign of Diocletian (284 305).He is said to have been the instigator of the fierce persecution of the Christians under Galerius in 303. Hierocles was the author of a work (not… … Wikipedia