Giulio Boschi

Giulio Boschi

infobox cardinalstyles
cardinal name=Giulio Cardinal Boschi
dipstyle=His Eminence
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See=Frascati (suburbicarian) |

Giulio Cardinal Boschi (March 2, 1838—May 15, 1920) was an Italian prelate of the Roman Catholic Church. He served as Archbishop of Ferrara from 1900 to 1919, and was elevated to the cardinalate in 1901.


Giulio Boschi was born in Perugia, as the youngest of the eleven children of Francesco and Giusseppa (née Mancini) Boschi. His siblings included: Assunta (b. 1813), Gaspare (b. 1816), Piera (b. 1818), Flora (b. 1820), Giovanni (b. 1823), Alessandro (b. 1826), Ferdinando (b. 1828), Vincenzo (b. 1831), Cesare (b. 1832), and Nicola (b. 1835). He received both his first Communion and the Sacrament of Confirmation from Archbishop Gioacchino Pecci.

Boschi studied at the seminary in Perugia before being ordained to the priesthood by Archbishop Pecci on May 25, 1861. He then went to Rome to study at the Pontifical Gregorian University, from where he obtained his doctorates in theology. Upon his return to Perugia, Boschi did pastoral work at the Cathedral, and served as episcopal master of ceremonies, apostolic missionary, prosynodal examiner, and canon penitentiary. He was made Archpriest of the cathedral chapter in November 1878, and Domestic Prelate of His Holiness in August 1880.

On June 1, 1888, Boschi was appointed Bishop of Todi by Pope Leo XIII, formerly Archbishop Pecci. He received his episcopal consecration on the following June 11 from Carlo Cardinal Laurenzi in of Rome. He was later named Bishop of Senigallia on November 29, 1895, and promoted to Archbishop of Ferrara on April 19, 1900.

Pope Leo created him Cardinal Priest of "S. Lorenzo in Panisperna" in the consistory of April 15, 1901. Boschi was one of the cardinal electors in the 1903 papal conclave, which selected Pope Pius X, and was named Bishop of Comacchio, in addition to his post in Ferrara, on January 7, 1909. He later participated in the conclave of 1914, which resulted in the election of Pope Benedict XV. In 1919, he resigned as Bishop of Comacchio and as Archbishop of Ferrara (January 7). Boschi was made Cardinal Bishop of Frascati on July 3 of that same year, and Chamberlain of the Sacred College of Cardinals on March 8, 1920, remaining in both posts until his death.

The Cardinal died in Rome, at 2:30 p.m., at the age of 82. His funeral was held at the church of "S. Ignazio" four days later, on May 19, 1919, and he was then buried at the chapel of St. Peter's Basilica in the Campo di Verano cemetery.

External links

* [ Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church]
* [ Catholic-Hierarchy]
* [ Biography of the Cardinal Giulio BOSCHI]

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