Korn's inequality

Korn's inequality

In mathematics, Korn's inequality is a result about the derivatives of Sobolev functions. Korn's inequality plays an important rôle in linear elasticity theory.

tatement of the inequality

Let Ω be an open, connected domain in "n"-dimensional Euclidean space R"n", "n" ≥ 2. Let "H"1(Ω) be the Sobolev space of all vector fields "v" = ("v"1, ..., "v""n") on Ω that, along with their weak derivatives, lie in the Lebesgue space "L"2(Ω). Denoting the partial derivative with respect to the "i"th component by ∂"i", the norm in "H"1(Ω) is given by

:| v |_{H^{1} (Omega)} := left( int_{Omega} sum_{i = 1}^{n} | v^{i} (x) |^{2} , mathrm{d} x ight)^{1/2} + left( int_{Omega} sum_{i, j = 1}^{n} | partial_{j} v^{i} (x) |^{2} , mathrm{d} x ight)^{1/2}.

Then there is a constant "C" ≥ 0, known as the Korn constant of Ω, such that, for all "v" ∈ "H"1(Ω),

:| v |_{H^{1} (Omega)}^{2} leq C int_{Omega} sum_{i, j = 1}^{n} left( | v^{i} (x) |^{2} + | (e_{ij} v) (x) |^{2} ight) , mathrm{d} x, quad (1)

where "e" denotes the symmetrized gradient given by

:e_{ij} v = frac1{2} ( partial_{i} v^{j} + partial_{j} v^{i} ).

Inequality (1) is known as Korn's inequality.


* cite journal
last = Horgan
first = Cornelius O.
title = Korn's inequalities and their applications in continuum mechanics
journal = SIAM Rev.
volume = 37
year = 1995
number = 4
pages = 491–511
issn = 0036-1445
doi = 10.1137/1037123

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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