- Log amplifier
Log Amplifier(Using OPAMP)
A log
amplifier is the one for which the output voltage Vout is K times thenatural log of the input voltage Vin.Numerically, V_{out} = K lnfrac{V_{in{V_{ref
"Vref is the normalization constant in volts, K is the scale factor"
Circuit diagram
The schematic
circuit diagram is shown above, hasBipolar Junction Transistor in place of feedback resistor RF.Working
The condition that must be satisfied for successful working of a log amplifier is that the input voltage, Vin consists of only positive cycles(This may be accompanied by using
rectifier &filters eliminating the negative cycles). Now, as Vin is positive, so Vout will be negative(because theOpamp is used in inverting configuration in thecircuit diagram ) & is large enough to forward bias theemitter base junction & hence keeping the BJT in active mode of operation.Now,:V_{BE} = -V_{out}:I_C = I_{SO}(e^v_{BE} / V_T - 1) approx I_{SO} e^v_{BE} /V_T:Rightarrow V_{BE} = V_T ln frac{I_C}{I_{SO
where I_{SO} is the saturation current of the emitter-base diode.Now, due to
Virtual ground concept of an OPAMP, I_C = V_{in}/R_1, so our final equation becomes: V_{out} = -V_T ln frac{V_{in{I_{SO} R_1}Clearly, the output voltage is expressed as the natural log of the input voltage. It must be noted that both the saturation current ISO & the volt equivalent of temperature VT are temperature dependent. Hence, proper compensating circuits may be employed.
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