HMS London (1654)

HMS London (1654)

HMS "London" was a 64-gun second rate ship of the line of the English Royal Navy, originally built for the navy of the Commonwealth of England at Chatham, and launched in 1654. She gained fame as one of the ships that escorted Charles II from Holland back to England during the English Restoration, carrying Charles' younger brother James Duke of York, and commanded by Sir John Lawson. [] []

"London" was accidentally blown up in 1665 and sank in the Thames Estuary. According to Samuel Pepys 300 of her crew were killed, 24 were blown clear and survived, including one woman. [] Lawson was not aboard at the time of the explosion though many of his relatives were killed. The wreck was rediscovered in 2008, resulting in the port authorities changing the route of the shipping channel to prevent further damage and to allow archaeologists from Wessex Archaeology led by Frank Pope to investigate, leading to what was the largest ever post-war salvage operation on the Thames.
London recently featured in "Thames Shipwrecks: A Race Against Time"," a BBC series on shipwrecks in the Thames. []

Pepys Diary Entry

Samuel Pepys wrote about hearing of the loss of HMS London, on March 8 1665, writing:

:"This morning is brought me to the office the sad newes ofThe London,” in which Sir J. Lawsons men were all bringing her from Chatham to the Hope, and thence he was to go to sea in her; but a little athis side the buoy of the Nower, she suddenly blew up. About 24 [men] and a woman that were in the round-house and coach saved; the rest, being above 300, drowned: the ship breaking all in pieces, with 80 pieces of brass ordnance. She lies sunk, with her round- house above water. Sir J. Lawson hath a great loss in this of so many good chosen men, and many relations among them. I went to theChange, where the news taken very much to heart." []



*Lavery, Brian (2003) "The Ship of the Line - Volume 1: The development of the battlefleet 1650-1850." Conway Maritime Press. ISBN 0-85177-252-8.

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