- Epistles of Manushchihr
The Epistles of Manushchihr are a response to comments made by the author's brother on the subject of purification in
Zoroastrianism .When
Zadsparam , High-Priest ofSirjan (nearKerman in center ofIran ) proposed certain new precepts, the unsatisfied people of his district complained to his older brotherManuschchihr , who was High-Priest of Kerman.In response, Manushchihr issued three
epistle s in the issue:
#A reply to the complaining people
#an expostulation with his brother
#a public decree condeming the new precepts of his younger brother as unlawful innovations.The first epistle is dated
March 15 ,881 ; the third is dated June-July 881. This book contains almost 9000 words. Manushchihar is the author of another majorPahlavi book named the 'Dadestan-i Denig '.
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