- Austrian Social Service
Austrian Service Abroad ("Österreichischer Auslandsdienst") is a non-profit organization which was founded by Dr.Andreas Maislinger in1998 , created by section 12 (b) of the law for alternative services. It offers the possibility to substitute the 9-month domestic service with a 12-month service abroad. This is possible since1992 and is based on an initiative by Andreas Maislinger. The service abroad ("Auslandsdienst") can be done in three areas: memorial service ("Gedenkdienst"), peace service ("Friedensdienst") and social service ("Sozialdienst").The Social Service
The social service supports the social and economic development of a country. It can be done at various placements or partner organisations. Austrian Service Abroad currently offers 69 placements for social service at 32 separate partner organisations (as of January
2004 ). Therefore it is the biggest organisation supporting young men inAustria to do their service abroad. The partner organisations are spread over 22 countries and 4 continents and have a multitude of tasks and aims.Assignments
The placements are with projects for
street children , educational projects and children's villages, projects to help theaged or handicapped, to provide medical care and to supporthomosexual s. Furthermore there are environmental projects and projects supporting economic development inthird-world countries.Partners
Buenos Aires - [http://www.chicosdelacalle.org Center for homeless children and adolescents]:*
Brussels - [http://www.edf-feph.org/ European Disability Forum]:*
Sarajevo - Phoenix Initiative:*
Alagoinhas - Associacao Lar Sao Benedito :*Lauro de Freitas - Community Centre Christ Liberator:*Rio de Janeiro - Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL):*
Qiqihar - China SOS Children's Village Association Bejing,Qiqihar city, Helongjiang Proviince und Yantai City, Shandong Province:*
La Gamba - Tropical Field Station La Gamba:*Puntarenas -Finca Sonador - Asociaicón de Cooperativas Europeas Longo Mai:*Puntarenas - Union de Amigos para la Protección del Ambiente (UNAPROA ) :*San Isidro - AsociaciónVida Nueva :*
Marburg - [http://www.terratech-ngo.de Terra Tech]:*
London -Royal London Society for the Blind :*
Lambaréné - [http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/delta/index.html Medical Research Unit,Albert Schweitzer Hospital ]:*
Quetzaltenango - [http://www.munikat.com/ Instituto de Formacion e Investigacion Municipal] , :*Santa Rosita - [http://www.casaasol.net/ Casa Hogar Estudiantil ASOL]:*
Auroville - Auroville Action Group (AVAG) :*Dharmshala - Nishtha, [http://www.nishtha-hp.org/deutsch/index.htm Nishtha - Rural Health, Education and Environment Centre] :*Dharmshala - [http://www.tibchild.org/ Tibetan Children´s Village] :*Dharmshala -Tibetan Welfare Office :*Kerala - [http://www.aimshospital.org/ Mata Amritanandamayi Mission]:*
Jerusalem -St. Vinzenz-Ein Karem :*
Nairobi - Kenya Water for Health Organisation (KWAHO):*Granada - Fundación
Casa de los tres mundos :*León - Campo Recreativo MILAVF:*
Oslo - Jodisk Aldersbolig:* [http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOS_Kinderdorf#SOS-Kinderdorf_in_Pakistan SOS children villages Pakistan] http://www.sos.org.pk/
Karachi ,Sialkot ,Dodhial ,Faisalabad ,Sargodha ,Lahore ,Rawalpindi undMultan :*
Huancayo - Unidad Territorial de Salud Daniel Alcides Carrión :*Lima - [http://www.cedro.org.pe/ The information and education centre for the prevention of drug abuse] (CEDRO ):*
Kraków - Polska Akcja Humanitarna:*
Iaşi - [http://www.geocities.com/nicubaciu_2000/ The hope of Romanian children]:*
Moscow -Together For Peace (TFP) :*Moscow -Centre for social development and self-help "perspective" :*
Prag - Jüdische Gemeinde:*
Fort Portal -Mountains of the Moon University (MMU) :* Kabale - Diözese Kabale - Bishops House:*New York - [http://www.gmhc.org/ Gay Men's Health Crisis]
Minsk - Belarusian Children's Hospice :*Minsk - 'Dietski dom no. 6' - Kinderheim no.6:*Minsk - Kindergarten for Children with Special NeedsExternal links
* http://www.sozialdienst.at
* http://www.auslandsdienst.at
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