Muin Bseiso

Muin Bseiso
Mu'in Bseiso
Born 1926
Gaza, Palestine
Died January 23, 1984
London, U.K.
Occupation Poet

Mu'in Tawfiq Bseiso (1926 – January 23, 1984) (Arabic: معين بسيسو‎) was a Palestinian poet who lived in Egypt, where he first entered the world of poetry. He finished his primary and secondary education in Gaza in 1948. He started publishing his work in the Jaffa-based magazin Al-Hurriya (Arabic: الحرية‎) (translated: Liberty), where he published his first poems in 1946. Two years later, in 1948, he enrolled in the American University in Cairo and subsequently graduated in 1952. His dissertation was titled "The Spoken or Head Word in Lower Eastern Broadcast Media", discussing the borders between the radio and the tv on one hand and the printed newspaper media on the other hand. He became involved with democratic and national work early on in his life and later dedicated himself to poetry and teaching. On January 27, 1952 he published his first work titled Al-Ma'raka (Arabic: المعركة‎) (translated: The Battle). Imprisoned in Egyptian jails twice: 1955 to 1957 and 1959 to 1963. He died due to heart failure in London in 1984.

Significant Achievements

His works have been translated to English, French, German, Russian, Azeri, Uzbek, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Vietnamese, and Persian. Mu'in Bseiso was awarded the international Lotus prize and was the vice Editor in Chief of the Lotus magazine issued by the Afro-Asian Writers' Association. Additionally, he was the recipient of the Palestinian Dir' Al-Thawra (Arabic: درع الثورة‎) (translated: Revolution Shield)..


The International Encyclopedia of Arab Poetry. "Mu'in Bseiso" (in Arabic). 

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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