- GC Tooth Mousse
GC Tooth Mousse [ [http://www.gceurope.com/products/detail.php?id=112 GC Europe - GC Tooth Mousse] ] is a
topical , water based, sugar free creme that containsCasein Phosphopeptide –Amorphous calcium phosphate [ [http://www.gcasia.info/content_GC_Tooth_Mousse.html GC Asia Dental- GC Tooth Mousse ] ] under the brand name of "Recaldent ". It was invented by Dr Eric Reynolds, Head of the School of Dental Science atThe University of Melbourne [http://www.crcoralhealthscience.org.au/publications/files/Tooth%20Mousse%20PlusFinal.pdf] .Usage
Tooth Mousse can be applied at any time during the day or night. After cleaning teeth in the normal way, remove excess saliva from the mouth (via spitting, swallowing, or patting teeth dry with tissue) and apply the creme using a clean finger or cotton tip.
The formula should be left undisturbed for three minutes for day application then spread around mouth with tongue and held for another two minutes before being spat out. Avoid food or drink for 30 minutes.
Tooth Mousse can also be applied just before going to bed and the entire application can be left to slowly dissolve overnight [ [http://www.effectivecare.com/acatalog/Tooth_Mousse.html Effective Care Ltd. Tooth Mousse ] ] .
Specimens protected with Tooth Mousse have showed significant lower demineralization in comparison to specimens without the protection when exposed to a demineralization solution for seven days. Unprotected specimens were also shown to have significant remineralization after being demineralized upon receiving applications of Tooth Mousse [http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6T86-4P47V7P-3&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=876037c0898356b80cd4749a92ac1828] .
GC Tooth Mousse has also shown effective results in the remineralisation of White Spot Lesions [ [http://iadr.confex.com/iadr/2006Brisb/techprogram/abstract_79101.htm Remineralisation of White Spot Lesions in situ by Tooth Mousse ] ] .
[http://www.gceurope.com/pid/112/literature/literature_112.pdf White papers and other literature]
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