Mauro del Vecchio

Mauro del Vecchio

General Mauro Del Vecchio (born 1946, Rome), of the Italian army, commanded the NATO International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan from August 2005 to May 2006. He was succeeded by British general David Richards.

Life and career

He was born in Rome, Italy. Del Vecchio graduated from the Military Academy of Modena in 1967. He attended the specialization school of Turin and then he was named Tenente and commander of a platoon of Bersaglieri. Then he was named commander of a company of 8 th Bersaglieri Regiment. After that he attended theScuola di Guerra he was the commander of 1 st Battalion if Bersaglieri then he was named commander of Florence military district. After his promotion to the rank of Generale di Brigata he led the infantry brigade Garibaldi.In the late 90s Mauro Del Vecchio was commander of the NATO Multinational Brigade North in Bosnia and Herzegovina (March–October 1997) and NATO Kosovo Force commander of the Multinational Brigade West in Kosovo. From September 2007 to March 2008 he was the commаnder of Comando Operativo Interforze that oversee the deployment of Italian forces around the world.

In the early months of 2008 he resigned from his position as commander of Comando operativo Interforze because candidate in the legislative election of 2008 for the Democratic Party. He was elected to the Senate.

External links

  • Biography
  • [1] the news of his candidature for PD
  • [2] official page on Italian senate website.
Military offices
Preceded by
Ethem Erdagi
Commander, International Security Assistance Force
August May 20, 200506
Succeeded by
David Richards

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