- George Derby
George Horatio Derby (
April 3 ,1823 –May 15 ,1861 ) was an early California humorist. Derby used thepseudonym "John P. Squibob" and its variants "John Phoenix" and "Squibob." Derby served as a Lieutenant in theU.S. Army Topographic Corps . In his spare time, he wrote humorous anecdotes and burlesques, often under the guise of his pseudonyms.Biography
George Derby was born 1823 in
Dedham, Massachusetts , son of John B. and Mary Townsend Derby. His father deserted the family mercantile business to be a poet, spending the family's money on self publishing.He graduated fromWest Point in 1846 and first served at Vera Cruz and Cerro Gordo.In 1853, Derby arrived in the small outpost of San Diego,
California to begin mapping the region and developing plans for redirecting theSan Diego River from the marshy delta ofSan Diego Bay and directly into thePacific Ocean . This was to avoid floods that periodically silted up the bay and made use of the bay by ships difficult or impossible.Derby married Mary A. Coons on
January 14 , 1854 in San Francisco. His wife's family were wary of Derby because of his erratic, flippant manner infuriated his superiors. Coons tricked Derby into marrying her by placing a notice in the San Francisco paper stating that she would depart with her mother back home toSt. Louis, Missouri , although she had no intention to do so. Derby read the notice and immediately took a steamer from San Diego to marry her. They had one daughter, Daisy, born 1854 in San Francisco.While waiting for approval of his San Diego River diversion plans, he had some time on his hands. He supplemented his low military pay by contributing humorous articles to the San Francisco "Herald", " California Pioneer" magazine, and the fledgling local newspaper, the San Diego "Herald". He wrote articles that poked fun at the figures and pretenses of high society. These articles were written to appear as if a running narrative from John Phoenix and were the state's first published humor. When another writer started writing articles with his penname Squibob in a competing San Francisco newspaper, Derby wrote an article "killing off" Squibob and continued to write with a new penname, John Phoenix.
In 1855, Derby bought the "Herald", which went out of business in 1860. He moved to
New York in 1856.In 1857 Derby had
Amaurosis (today, some historians think he had abrain tumor ), which prevented him from reading or writing. He requsted leave from the Topological Engineers in 1859 and died in 1861.In honor of George Derby and his contribution to the lighter, more irreverent side of California history, the local chapter of the organization
E Clampus Vitus is named in his honor, using his pseudonym John P. Squibob.Quotes
* One of our Fort Yuma men died, and unfortunately went to hell. He wasn't there one day before he telegraphed for his blankets.
* It rains incessantly twenty-six hours a day for seventeen months of the year [speaking of Oregon and Washington Territory]
* "Antidote for Fleas" (from "Phoenixiana")::Boil a quart of tar until it becomes quite thin. Remove the clothing, and before the tar becomes perfectly cool, with a broad flat brush, apply a thin, smooth coating to the entire surface of the body and limbs. While the tar remains soft the flea becomes entangled in its tenacious folds, and is rendered perfectly harmless; but it will soon form a hard, smooth coating, entirely impervious to his bite. Should the coating crack at the knee or elbow joints, it is merely necessary to retouch it slightly at those places. The whole coat should be removed every three or four weeks. This remedy is sure, and, having the advantage of simplicity and economy, should be generally known.
See also
* "John Phoenix, Esq., The Veritable Squibob. A Life of Captain George H. Derby, U.S.A." by George R. Stewart (1937)
* "Squibob, An Earl California Humorist" by Richard D. Reynolds (1990) Squibob Press, Inc. San Francisco, CA. ISBN 0-9618577-5-7 (case), ISBN 0-9618577-6-5 (pbk.)External links
* [http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?ammem/calbkbib:@OR(@field(AUTHOR+@band(Derby,+George+Horatio,+1823-1861+))+@field(OTHER+@band(Derby,+George+Horatio,+1823-1861+))) "Phoenixiana; or, sketches and burlesques" (1903) by George Derby] . Reprint of original 1856 book. Contains Derby's pieces as "Professor John Phoenixiana" and "Squibob," poking fun at topics such as military survyors and explorers, and contains several travel accounts. ( [http://memory.loc.gov American Memory, Library of Congress] )
* [http://www.sandiegohistory.org/journal/80spring/derby.htm "'Phoenix' Revisited: Another Look at George Horatio Derby", "The Journal of San Diego History" 26:2 (1980) by Canice G. Ciruzzi]
* [http://www.sandiegohistory.org/books/smythe/2-13.htm "The Journalism of Old San Diego", "History of San Diego" (1907-09), part 2, chapter 8]
* [http://www.sfmuseum.org/hist9/derby.html George Derby biography]
* [http://www.sandiegohistory.org/books/smythe/2-13.htm "The Journalism of Old San Diego", "History of San Diego" (1907-09), part 2, chapter 8] contains a biography and several quotations
* [http://www.squibob.org/ E Clampus Vitus Squibob Chapter] "Clampers" chapter was named after Derby's first penname
* [http://slapcast.com/users/revry Some George Horatio Derby stories are read in Mister Ron's Basement] PodcastReferences
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