- Sl2-triple
In the theory of
Lie algebra s, an "sl"2-triple is a triple of elements of a Lie algebra that satisfy the commutation relations between the standard generators of the special linear Lie algebra "sl"2. This notion plays an important role in the theory ofsemisimple Lie algebra s, especially in regards to theirnilpotent orbit s.Definition
Elements {"e","h","f"} of a Lie algebra "g" form an "sl"2-triple if
: h,e] = 2e, quad [h,f] = -2f, quad [e,f] = h.
These commutation relations are satisfied by the generators
: h = egin{bmatrix}1 & 0\0 & -1end{bmatrix}, quad e = egin{bmatrix}0 & 1\0 & 0end{bmatrix}, quad f = egin{bmatrix}0 & 0\1 & 0end{bmatrix}
of the Lie algebra "sl"2 of 2 by 2 matrices with zero trace. It follows that "sl"2-triples in "g" are in a bijective correspondence with the Lie algebra
homomorphism s from "sl"2 into "g".The alternative notation for the elements of an "sl"2-triple is {"H", "X", "Y"}, with "H" corresponding to "h", "X" corresponding to "e", and "Y" corresponding to "f".
Assume that "g" is a Lie algebra over a field of
characteristic zero .From the representation theory of the Lie algebra "sl"2, one concludes that the Lie algebra "g" decomposes into a direct sum of finite-dimensional subspaces, each of which is isomorphic to "V"j, the "j" + 1-dimensional simple "sl"2-module withhighest weight "j". The element "h" of the "sl"2-triple is semisimple, with the simpleeigenvalue s "j", "j" − 2, …, −"j" on a submodule of "g" isomorphic to "V"j . The elements "e" and "f" move between different eigenspaces of "h", increasing the eigenvalue by 2 in case of "e" and decreasing it by 2 in case of "f". In particular, "e" and "f" are nilpotent elements of the Lie algebra "g".Conversely, the "Jacobson–Morozov theorem" states that any nilpotent element "e" of asemisimple Lie algebra "g" can be included into an "sl"2-triple {"e","h","f"}, and all such triples are conjugate under the action of the group "Z""G"("e"), thecentralizer of "e" in the adjoint Lie group "G" corresponding to the Lie algebra "g".The semisimple element "h" of any "sl"2-triple containing a given nilpotent element "e" of "g" is called a characteristic of "e".An "sl"2-triple defines a grading on "g" according to the eigenvalues of "h":
: g = igoplus_{jinmathbb{Z g_j,quad [h, a] = ja { } extrm{ for } { } ain g_j.
The "sl"2-triple is called even if only even "j" occur in this decomposition, and odd otherwise.
If "g" is a semisimple Lie algebra, then "g"0 is a
reductive Lie subalgebra of "g" (it is not semisimple in general). Moreover, the direct sum of the eigenspaces of "h" with non-negative eigenvalues is aparabolic subalgebra of "g" with the Levi component "g"0.References
* E. B. Vinberg, V. V. Gorbatsevich, A. L. Onishchik, "Structure of Lie groups and Lie algebras". Lie groups and Lie algebras, III. Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences, 41. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1994. iv+248 pp. (A translation of Current problems in mathematics. Fundamental directions. Vol. 41, Akad. Nauk SSSR, Vsesoyuz. Inst. Nauchn. i Tekhn. Inform., Moscow, 1990. Translation by V. Minachin. Translation edited by A. L. Onishchik and E. B. Vinberg) ISBN 3-540-54683-9
* E. B. Vinberg, V. L. Popov, "Invariant theory". Algebraic geometry. IV. Linear algebraic groups. Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences, 55. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1994. vi+284 pp. (A translation of Algebraic geometry. 4, Akad. Nauk SSSR Vsesoyuz. Inst. Nauchn. i Tekhn. Inform., Moscow, 1989. Translation edited by A. N. Parshin and I. R. Shafarevich) ISBN 3-540-54682-0
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