Language processing

Language processing

Language processing refers to the way human beings process speech or writing and understand it as language. Most recent theories back the idea that this process is made completely by and inside the brain.

Spoken language

Acoustic stimuli are received by the auditive organ and are converted to bioelectric signals on the organ of Corti. These electric impulses are then transported through scarpa's ganglion (vestibulocochlear nerve) to the primary auditory cortex, on both hemispheres. Each hemisphere treats it differently, nevertheless: while the left side recognizes distinctive parts such as phonemes, the right side takes over prosodic characteristics and melodic information.

The signal is then transported to Wernicke's area on the left hemisphere (the information that was being processed on the right hemisphere is able to cross through inter-hemispheric axons), where the already noted analysis takes part.

From this area, the signal is taken to Broca's area through what is called the arcuate fasciculus. Broca's area is in charge of interpreting the information provided by Wernicke's area (using the pars triangularis) and transmitting information to the closely located motor-related areas of the brain for production of speech (relying on the pars opercularis).

Written language

Written language may work in a fairly similar way, only using the primary visual cortex as an input pathway instead of the auditory cortex. However, assuming the separate input pathways, it is still undetermined whether the two means of processing, utilize the same neurological resources through a common gateway or whether there are dedicated cortical regions for each functionality.

See also

*Feature Detectors
*Motor theory

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