Antoni Wiwulski

Antoni Wiwulski

Antoni Wiwulski (1877-1919) was a Polish architect and sculptor.

He was born February 20, 1877 in Totma near Vologda in Imperial Russia. He graduated from two of the most prestigious art and architecture universities of the epoch: the École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris and the Higher Technical School in Vienna.

Among the most notable of his works are:
* the Battle of Grunwald monument in Kraków, Poland
* Chapel in Šiluva, Lithuania
* Three Crosses on the Hill of the Three Crosses Vilnius, Lithuania
* the Holy Heart of Jesus' Church in Vilnius, Lithuania

The latter building was started in 1913 and was the first example of usage of reinforced concrete in former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Wiwulski, astonished by the possibility to build gigantic buildings of the newly-rediscovered material prepared a project of a giant church with a stylised gigantic sculpture of the Creator sitting on the dome. However, the project was discontinued after Wiwulski's death on January 10, 1919.

In 1919, despite suffering from tuberculosis, he volunteered for the Polish Army and took part in the defence of Vilna against the Bolshevik assault in the early stages of the Polish-Bolshevik War. He contracted pneumonia while on guard in the Vilnius' suburb of Užupispl icon cite journal | author = Wiktor Zenonowicz | year = 1986 | month = | title = Rys życia autora wileńskich Trzech Krzyży (A sketch on the author of Three Crosses) | journal = Nasza Gazeta | volume = 8 | issue = 547 | pages =
doi = | id = | url = | format = | accessdate = 2006-07-10
] pl icon cite journal | author = J. Polonus | year = 2005 | month = July | title = Grunwaldzkie uroczystości (Anniversary of Grunwald) | journal = Źródło | volume = 705 | issue = 27 | pages = 3133 | doi = | id = | url = | format = | accessdate = 2006-07-10 ] . After his death he was buried in the cellars beneath the church he had designed. When it was converted by the Soviets into a Palace of the Construction Workers in 1964 his ashes were moved to the Rasos Cemeterypl icon cite journal | author = Katarzyna Deptuła | year = 2001
month = April | title =Cmentarz na Rossie (Rasos Cemetery) | journal = Gazeta Wyborcza | volume = | issue = | pages =
doi = | id = | url =,51069,248543.html | format = | accessdate = 2006-07-10
] .

An article about A. Wiwulski was published by Wiktor Zenonowicz in 1986. Monography on A.Wiwulski was published by Nijolė Tolvaišienė in 2002 lt icon cite book | author =Nijolė Lukšionytė-Tolvaišienė | coauthors = | title =Antanas Vivulskis: Tradicijų ir modernumo dermė (Antanas Vivulskis (1877-1919): combination of traditions and modernity) | year =2002 | editor = | pages =163 | chapter = | chapterurl = | publisher =Vilniaus dailės akademijos leidykla | location =Academy of Fine Arts Press | id =ISBN 9986-571-79-0 | url = | format = | accessdate = ]



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