- Forss Water
Forss Water, known also as Forss River, has its source at the northern end of
Loch Shurrey , at gbmapping|ND042568. About 13kilometre s north of its source the river flows intoCrosskirk Bay and theAtlantic Ocean at gbmappingsmall|ND029700. Crosskirk Bay is on the northcoast ofGreat Britain and about 8 kilometres west of theburgh ofThurso ,Caithness , in HighlandScotland .Tributaries
Alt Torigil , known also as Alt Forsiescye, enters the river at gbmappingsmall|ND037591.
*Alltan Guinne enters at gbmappingsmall|ND058638.
* TheBurn of Baillie enters at gbmappingsmall|ND050653.
* TheBurn of Brimside enters at gbmappingsmall|ND045669.Bridges
The river is crossed by four
road bridge s and one footbridge.The road bridges are:
* Near the river's source at Loch Shurrey, at gbmappingsmall|ND042568.
* NearBroubster Village , at gbmappingsmall|ND036601.
* Near Westfield, at gbmappingsmall|ND055642.
* NearLythmore , at gbmappingsmall|ND047662.
* TheBridge of Forss , which carries theA836 road at gbmappingsmall|ND037687. The A836 leads towardsThurso andJohn o' Groats in the east and towardsReay ,Melvich ,Bettyhill and Tongue in the west.The footbridge is near the river's mouth at gbmappingsmall|ND029700, providing access to
St Marys Chapel , to the west of the river, fromCrosskirk , to the east.
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